Here you can find an overview of our former colleagues, who have successfully finished their dissertation at our faculty.

StB Prof. Dr. Sabine Aßmann
Dissertation: Steuerliche Anreize für Forschung und Entwicklung im internationalen Vergleich, Köln/Lohmar 2009 (Eul)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2009)

Dr. Sören Bergner
Dissertation: Tax Incentives for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises –A Misguided Policy Approach?
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2017)

Dr. Eva Broer
Dissertation: Erbschaftsteuer im internationalen Vergleich – Reformansätze für Deutschland, Köln/Lohmar 2008 (Eul)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2008)

Prof. Dr. Elisa Casi-Eberhard
Dissertation: Tax transparency: an analysis of the effect of enhanced tax information disclosure on individual and corporate behavior
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2020)

Prof. Dr. Christina Elschner
Dissertation: Die Steuer- und Abgabenbelastung von grenzüberschreitenden Personalentsendungen
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2006)

Dr. Christof Ernst
Dissertation: Evaluation of Tax Incentives for Research and Development in Germany
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2011)

Dr. Lisa Evers
Dissertation: Intellectual Property (IP) Box Regimes. Tax Planning, Effective Tax Burdens, and Tax Policy Options
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2014)

Dr. Leonie Fischer
Dissertation: Corporate Taxation in the European Union – An Analysis of the Implications of Tax Competition, ECJ Case Law and Common Tax Policy Based on Effective TaxMeasures
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2022)

Dr. Michael Grünewald
Dissertation: Internationales Steuerinformationssystem – Auf Basis des European Tax Analyzer
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2010)

Prof. Dr. Jost Heckemeyer
Dissertation: The Effects of Corporate Taxes on Business Behavior
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2012)

Dr. Manuel Imhof
Dissertation: Business Restructuring. Eine betriebswirtschaftliche und steuerrechtliche Analyse, Köln/Lohmar 2012 (Eul)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2012)

StB Dr. Andrea Kamp-David, MBA
Dissertation: Steuercontrolling im internationalen Konzern – Aufbau eines Steuerinformationssystems, Köln/Lohmar 2011 (Eul)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2010)

Dr. Daniel Klein
Dissertation: Income Shifting, Digitalization, and Tax Policy
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2022)

StB Dr. Manuel Koch
Dissertation: Schaffung und Nutzung von immateriellen Vermögenswerten im multinationalen Unternehmen
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2014)

StB Dr. Katharina Königseder
Dissertation: Research and Development – Tax Planning of Multinational Firms
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2015)

Dr. Elisabeth Köpping
Dissertation: Essays on the Impact of Labor Taxation on Private Firms – Simulation and Empirical Evidence from European Panel Data
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2015)

Dr. Christopher Ludwig
Dissertation: Income Shifting in the Era of Digitalization and Tax Induced Capital Market Reactions
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2021)

StB Dr. Christiane Malke
Dissertation: Taxation of European Companies at the time of establishment and restructuring, Wiesbaden 2010 (Gabler)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2009)

StB Dr. Sebastian Matenaer
Dissertation: Implikationen steuerlicher Risiken: ökonomische Analyse und empirische Evidenz
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2013)

Dr. Jessica M. Müller
Dissertation: Development of corporate taxation in a globalised and digitalised world
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2023)

Dr. Raphael Müller
Thema der Dissertation: Increasing tax transparency – evidence of the impact on international businesses and stakeholders
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2022)

Prof. Dr. Marcel Olbert
Thema der Dissertation: Taxes and value creation in multinational business groups.
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol.

Dr. Olena Pfeiffer
Dissertation: International Profit Shifting within Multinational Enterprises: Empirical Evidence on the Key Channels and Countermeasures
Promotion:Dr. rer. pol (2017)

Dr. Timo Reister
Dissertation: Steuerwirkungsanalysen unter Verwendung von unternehmensbezogenen Mikrosimulationsmodellen, Wiesbaden 2009 (Gabler)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2009)

Dr. Frank Streif
Dissertation: Fiscal Policy in Europe: Taxation, Debt and Direct Democracy with Multiple Jurisdictions
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2016)

StB Dr. Simone Streisselberger
Dissertation: Besteuerung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung im internationalen Vergleich, Köln/Lohmar 2012 (Eul)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2012)

StB Dr. Heiko Vay
Dissertation: Tax Transparency and International Tax Avoidance – Evidence from Country-by-Country Reporting
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol. (2020)

StB Dr. Andreas Waltrich
Dissertation: Cross-Border Taxation of Permanent Establishments – An International Comparison
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2016)

Dr. Carsten Wendt
Dissertation: A Common Tax Base for Multinational Enterprises in the European Union, Wiesbaden 2009 (Gabler)
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2008)

Dr. Ann-Catherin Werner
Dissertation: Tax systems, tax planning and tax competition in an international and digital economy
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol. (2020)

StB Dr. Ina Wilhelm
Dissertation: Tax Accounting and Reporting Behavior: Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Book-Tax Conformity and Current Trends in Europe
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2017)

StB Dr. Florian Zawodzky
Dissertation: Mehrwertsteuer in der digitalen Wirtschaft
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2021)

Dr. Benedikt Zinn, CPA
Dissertation: Tax Accounting in Germany: Empirical Evidence on the Relationship between Financial and Tax Accounting and Options for Reform
Promotion: Dr. rer. pol (2012)