
Our chair offers a wide range of courses for students at Bachelor's and Master's level. Most of our courses are offered in English enabling exchange students to also take part. In addition to detailed descriptions of the individual courses, you will also find guidelines for writing scientific papers on the following pages.

Furthermore, we would like to draw your attention to the requirements for a letter of recommendation.

Additional information (current course dates, lecture materials, etc.) is available via the student portal Portal2 and the e-learning platform Ilias

Bird's eye view of a black spiral staircase. Students walk up the stairs. Link: Career prospects
[Englisch] Master
Mannheim Business School
Tax Video Library

General Information for Scientific Papers

You can write your bachelor, seminar and master thesis at our chair. For the duration of the process, you will be supervised by one member of our team. The formal requirements for scientific papers can be found in our guidelines. You can find a LaTeX template incorporating the guidelines there as well. The handbook for scientific writing is designed to assist you in structuring the content of your work and is intended to help you getting started. We strongly recommend to read both documents carefully beforehand.

In addition, we would like to inform you on our plagiarism policy.

Digital Teaching Concepts

Not only since the pandemic has the chair made a significant contribution to digital teaching at the University of Mannheim.

Already since autumn 2016, digital teaching methods have supplemented the classic face-to-face courses in the Bachelor class “Tax 303: Business Taxation”. Thanks to the recorded videos, students can prepare and follow up the learning content according to their individual learning preferences. Interactive quizzes also allow students to regularly assess their own learning progress. The positive feedback from students and the increasing quality of education confirm the use of e-learning methods in teaching.

As part of the virtual lecture series “Value-Based Management”, one module is dedicated to the topic “Corporate Taxation”. Since spring 2020, the TAX 470 module of the IBEA cohort is complemented by a MOOC introducing the Case Study. You can watch some videos below.

In spring 2018, Prof. Christoph Spengel was awarded the Teaching Prize of the University of Mannheim for his efforts to digitize teaching.

Another milestone for digitalization in teaching is the Chair's Tax Video Library which is available since spring 2023. It contains self-created short videos on basic concepts and principles of national and international (corporate) taxation and are used across modules in Bachelor's and Master's courses. The Tax Video Library supplements traditional classroom teaching with digital elements and enables face-to-face teaching to deepen the knowledge.

Letter of recommendation for stays abroad, master programmes and scholarships

Letters of recommendation for students of business administration are assigned by the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business Administration. On the Homepage of the Dean's Office you will find all relevant information for requesting a letter of recommendation. If you have any questions, please contact the Dean's office directly (gutachten(at)

IMPORTANT: We ask you to refrain from direct requests for letters of recommendation to the chair.