Seminar in Business Taxation

TAX 730 for Master Students

Christin Schmidt, M.Sc.


For further information please contact Christin Schmidt.

The successful completion of a Seminar Paper is a formal prerequesite for being admitted for the master's thesis in the Mannheim Master in Management (M.Sc.) program.

Students individually write a term paper comprising 15 pages and then present their work in front of other students, academic staff members and Professor Dr. Spengel / Professor Dr. Dörrenberg. The seminar always starts at the end of each semester and the deadline for handing in the paper is 8 weeks later. The presentation takes place during the first weeks of the upcoming semester. Hence, students usually can work on their theses during the semester break. The seminar is worth 6 ECTS credits.

Note: The general topic of the seminar in business taxation in HWS 2024 is: Sustainability and taxes: current initiatives and business implications



  • Procedure

    The topics of the seminar papers at our chair cover a wide range of issues in domestic and international business taxation. A selection of examplary topics from past years can be found below.

    The seminar papers may be written in English or German.

    At the end of each semester we publish a list of available topics as well as all relevant dates for the coming semester via our seminar website and our News. A kick-off meeting with Professor Spengel / Professor Dörrenberg takes place before the beginning of the writing period. Please select your preferred topics in advance and bring a priority list to the session. Afterwards, the writing period for the seminar starts with the assignment of the topics and ends eight weeks later on. The seminar finishes with a presentation of each participant's work at the beginning of the semester.

    Please also consider our Guidelines for Seminar Papers, Bachelor Theses and Master Theses in Englisch and our Handbook for Scientific Writing.



    Attending the seminar does not require physical presence in Mannheim. Both the kick-off meeting and the presentation can be attended online in certain cases (e.g. semester abroad). 

  • Registration and Contact

    You can register for the seminar via e-mail to our secretary using this form and a current “Transcript of Records”.

    You will find the list of topics available for the Fall semester 2024 below after 7th Mai 2024.

    Registration for the seminar will be possible until 7th June 2024. After the end of the registration period, you will receive further information about the (hybrid) seminar Kick-off on 12th June 2024 at 3.30 pm and about the further proceedings. The writing period for the seminar in Fall 2024 is expected to start on 1st of July and to end on 26th August 2024.

  • Requirements

    • Formally: A total of 2 modules from the 500 and/or 600 level in the Accounting & Taxation area must be successfully completed at the beginning of the processing period. Students from the degree programs M.Sc., MMM and M.Sc. Business Education are admitted.
    • Technical: Prior knowledge from the modules TAX 630 and TAX 620 (especially for empirical theses) are recommended and very helpful.
    • For students that want to apply for the Seminar in the Spring semester and are just about to acquire the required modules in the preceding Fall semester (i.e. November/December). You can still register for the Seminar in Spring, and are admitted on the condition that you pass the required modules in the Fall semester.