Research Interests
- Spengel, C., Vay, H. and Weck, S. (2019). Das Country-by-Country-Reporting der OECD. Die Unternehmensbesteuerung : Ubg, 12, 573–585.
Working Papers
- Müller, R., Spengel, C., and Weck, S. (2021), How Do Investors Value the Publication of Tax Information? Evidence from the European Public Country-By-Country Reporting, ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21–077, Mannheim.
- Spengel, C., Fischer, L., Ludwig, C., Müller, J., Weck, S. and Winter, S. (2021), Debt-Equity Bias Should Be Addressed on National Rather Than on EU Level, ZEW policy brief Nr. 21–07, Mannheim.
- Spengel, C., Klein, D., Ludwig, C. A., Müller, J., Müller, R., Weck, S. and Winter, S. (2021). EU sollte statt einer Digitalabgabe die indirekten Steuern stärker in den Blick nehmen. ZEW policy brief, 2021–02. Mannheim.
Conferences and Workshops
Research Affiliations
- TAX 303 Taxation I: Business Taxation
- Bachelor Theses
- Seminar and Master Theses
- Seminar and Master Theses