COMPUSTAT North America
COMPUSTAT North America (from Standard & Poor's) is a database of U.S. and Canadian fundamental and market information on more than 30,000 active and inactive publicly held companies. It provides more than 300 annual and 100 quarterly data items of Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Statements of Cash Flows, and supplemental data. COMPUSTAT North America files also contain information on indices, industry segments, banks, market prices, dividends, and earnings.
For more detailed information on the COMPUSTAT files, see the COMPUSTAT documentation and manuals page available via WRDS.
COMPUSTAT Global provides authoritative financial and market data covering publicly traded companies in more than 80 countries, representing over 90% of the world's market capitalization, including coverage of over 96% of European market capitalization and 88% of Asian market capitalization. Hundreds of data items, ratios and concepts and up to 12 years of annual history is included. International data sets have been designed to reflect the varieties of actual reporting practices used across the globe, while allowing for minimal normalization and establishing consistency on an item by item basis.
For more detailed information on the COMPUSTAT Global files, see the COMPUSTAT documentation and manuals page available via WRDS.
Standard and Poor's Execucomp provides executive compensation data collected directly from each company's annual proxy (DEF14A SEC form). Detailed information on salary, bonus, options and stock awards, non-equity incentive plans, pensions and other compensation items are available.
For more detailed information on the Execucomp files, see the documentation and manuals page available via WRDS.
CRSP (Center for Research in Security Prices)
CRSP maintains the most comprehensive collection of security prices, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq stock markets. Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta- and cap-based portfolio, treasury bond and risk-free rates, and mutual fund databases. University of Mannheim has currently subscribed to the CRSP stock and indices database.
A detailed data description and definition guide can be obtained via WRDS.
AMADEUS is a pan-European financial database containing information on over 10 million public and private companies from 41 countries, including all the EU countries and Eastern Europe. Up to 10 years of detailed information (consolidated statements are also provided when available) comprising 24 balance sheet items, 25 profit and loss account items and 26 ratios. The descriptive information includes: official national identification number, address, telephone, fax, website, legal form, year of incorporation, senior managers, auditors, number of employees, quoted/
A detailed data description and the definition guide can be obtained via WRDS.
I/ B/E/S
The Institutional Brokers Estimates System (I/B/E/S) provides consensus and detail forecasts from security analysts, inclusing earnings per share, revenue, cash flow, long-term growth projections and stock recommendations.
For more detailed information on the I/B/ES files, see the documentation and manuals page available via WRDS.
The NYSE Trade and Quote (TAQ) database contains intraday transactions data (trades and quotes) for all securities listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and American Stock Exchange (AMEX), as well as Nasdaq National Market System (NMS) and SmallCap issues. University of Mannheim has subscribed to the time period January 1996 to December 2008.
A detailed data description and definition guide can be obtained via WRDS.
Thomson Reuters Mutual Funds
The Thomson Reuters Mutual Fund database covers Mutual Funds Holdigs (CDA/Spectrum s12) and 13f Institutional Holdings (CDA/Spectrum s34).
For more detailed information on the Mutual Funds data files, see the documentation and manuals page available via WRDS.
Worldscope Global Database
The Worldscope Global Database is the financial industrys premier source of detailed financial statement data and profile data on public companies domiciled outside of the United States of America. It also contains complete coverage of US company filings with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), with the exception of closed end investment companies.
The Worldscope database can accesses via the Datastream terminal located in the business library („BWLer Bib“). A data description and the definition guide can be found here.
Thomson Datastreams Global Databases hold time series information for over two million financial instruments, securities and indicators for over 175 countries and 60 markets worldwide, with up to 50 years of historical depth for some series, and over 8,000 different fields, totalling over 100 million time series.
Access to the database is provided via a Datastream terminal located in the business library („BWLer Bib“). A datatype description can be found here.
SDC Worlwide Mergers, Acquisitions & Alliances
SDC Worldwide M&A provides data regarding worldwide mergers, acquisitions and alliances, and stock repurchases. The data covers approximately 672,000 global M&As from 1985 to the present (data for the U.S. is available since 1979). Corporate stock repurchase programs are recorded from 1994 to the present.
The database can be accessed at the Chair of Corporate Finance. A short user guide can be found here.
Hoppenstedt Databases
The Hoppenstedt databases provide detailed information for the 250,000 most prominent companies and 1,100 largest banks in Germany. In addition, German fund data is available from Hoppenstedt.
The Hoppenstadt databases can be accessed via the database information system (DBIS) available over the library of Mannheim University.