Born in Toronto and raised in Canada, the United States, and Germany, Frank Danesy later studied business administration, psychology (UoM), and aviation science (ERAU). He holds master’s degrees in business administration (BU), space science (AMU), and intelligence studies (AMU). His doctorates are in business administration (Dr.rer.pol. FUB) and security studies (PhD CJ UNISA). His publications include books on conflict management and leadership, comparative academic education systems, and articles on various management-related topics.
Dr. Danesy began his career with the Armed Forces. His later career milestones included appointments with British Airways, the Free University of Berlin, ESCP Europe, and the European Space Agency (ESA). He has spent most of his career in general management and human resources functions. He was the Head of Recruitment and Training at the European Space Research and Technology Centre in the Netherlands (ESTEC) and Head of the Human Resources Division at the European Space Operations Centre in Germany (ESOC). His responsibilities have included recruiting more than 1,500 highly qualified engineers, scientists, and professional managers for a broad range of space technologies, projects and missions at ESA for more than 20 years. He was also responsible for all HRM processes related to ESA’s third astronaut selection campaign in 2008/
In 2018, Dr. Danesy became the founder and general manager of Intelsource, which provides consulting services in the space and defense sector, and he also began his appointment as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Mannheim. He is an avid land- and sea-plane pilot with a commercial pilot license, an instrument rating, and a high-performance aircraft endorsement. In his leisure time, he enjoys sports and playing the guitar, both plugged and unplugged.