- 1984 – 1986: Banking apprenticeship
- July 1986 – January 1987: Job at a credit institution
- 1988 – 1993: Studies of Business Administration at the University of Bamberg
- 1993: Diploma
- April 1994 – September 1996: Academic staff member at the chair of Business Administration, esp. Human Resource Management at the University of Bamberg
- October 1996 – March 2000: Academic staff member at the Business School of the University of Mannheim
- 2000: Doctoral degree of Dr. rer. pol.
- April 2000 – February 2002: HR Specialist Compensation at SAP AG
- Since October 2001: Lecturer at the University of Mannheim
- March 2002 – December 2009: Head of Shared Services Compensation & Benefits (Germany) at SAP AG
- Since January 2010: Head of Total Rewards EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa) at SAP AG