Bachelor Thesis

Example topics for bachelor theses at our chair

1.        Perceived workplace gender discrimination and employee consequences
2.        Non-human resources: Occupational calling and moral stressors in the work with animals
3.        Cultural and institutional factors as determinants of career development
4.        Canteen food and its impact on individual and organizational performance
5.        New Work: How do co-working spaces influence performance?
6.        Millennials have it good – How can leaders inspire commitment?
7.        The effect of fraudulent behavior of CEOs on employees
8.        Line managers’ and HR managers’ perceptions of HRM
9.        Breaking through conventions: How can companies transform the work environment to benefit from neurodiversity
10.      Up-Or-Out: Do companies benefit from competitiveness or suffer from turnover
11.      Are employee preferences for leadership behavior universal or culturally contingent
12.      Hidden messages: How companies attempt to attract suitable applicants through job announcements
13.      Robophobia: How does Artificial Intelligence affect stress and well-being of employees
14.      Home office: When and how?
15.      The effectiveness of online learning versus traditional classrooms for training and development in organizations
16.      Leading virtual teams


We offer some guidelines for scientific writing in German and English.