Performance Approximation for Time-dependent Queues with Generally Distributed Abandonments
Authors: Gregor Selinka, Raik Stolletz, Thomas I. Maindl
Published: Selinka, G., Stolletz, R., and T. I. Maindl (2022): Performance approximation of time-dependent queues with generally distributed abandonments. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34 (19), 20–38
Abstract: Many stochastic systems face a time-dependent demand. Especially in stochastic service systems, for example in call centers, customers may leave the queue if their waiting time exceeds their personal patience. As discussed in the extant literature, it can be useful to use general distributions to model such customer patience. This paper analyzes the time-dependent performance of a multi-server queue with a non-homogeneous Poisson arrival process with a time-dependent arrival rate, exponentially distributed processing times, and generally distributed time to abandon. Fast and accurate performance approximations are essential for decision support in such queueing system, but the extant literature lacks appropriate methods for the setting we consider. To approximate time-dependent performance measures for small- and medium-sized systems, we develop a new stationary backlog-carryover (SBC) approach which allows for the analysis of underloaded and overloaded systems. Abandonments are considered in two steps of the algorithm: i) in the approximation of the utilization as a reduced arrival stream and ii) in the approximation of waiting-based performance measures with a stationary model for general abandonments. To improve the approximation quality, we discuss an adjustment to the interval lengths. We present a limit result which indicates convergence of the method for stationary parameters. The numerical study compares the approximation quality of different adjustments to the interval length. The new SBC approach is effective for instances with small numbers of time-dependent servers and Gamma-distributed abandonment times with different coefficients of variation and for an empirical distribution of the abandonment times from real-world data obtained from a call center. A discrete-event simulation benchmark confirms that the SBC algorithm approximates the performance of the queueing system with abandonments very well for different parameter configurations.
Data set: The data set contains all problem instances that are solved and discussed in Sections 4.2–4.4 of the numerical study of this paper. Related to the instances of the figures, we state the input parameters (arrival rate, abandonment rate, number of servers, processing rate) per interval. In addition, we specify the parameter of the distribution for Gamma-distributed abandonment times (related to Figures 19–22).
SBC approach in Jupyter Notebook: The SBC algorithm is implemented in Python for a time-dependent number of servers and Gamma-distributed patience time (Section 4.4).
Download: The zip file contains an Excel file with the data sets for the instances and the implementation of the SBC algorithm in Jupyter Notebook.
The Buffer Allocation Problem in production lines: Formulations, solution methods, and instances
Authors: Sophie Weiss, Justus Arne Schwarz, Raik Stolletz
Forthcoming in: Weiss, S., J. A. Schwarz, and R. Stolletz (2019): The Buffer Allocation Problem in production lines: Formulations, solution methods, and instances. IISE Transactions (formerly IIE Transactions), 51 (5), 456–485.
Abstract: Flow production lines with finite buffer capacities are used in practice for mass production, e.g., in the automotive and food industries. The decision regarding the allocation of buffer capacities to mitigate throughput losses from stochastic processing times and unreliable stations is known as the Buffer Allocation Problem (BAP). This paper classifies and reviews the literature on the BAP with respect to different versions of the optimization problem. It considers the detailed characteristics of the flow lines, the objective function, and the constraints. Moreover, a new classification scheme for solution methods is presented that differentiates between explicit solutions, integrated optimization methods, and iterative optimization methods. The characteristics of test instances derived from realistic cases and test instances used in multiple references are discussed. The review reveals gaps in the literature regarding the considered optimization problems and solution methods, especially with a view on realistic lines. In addition, a library, “FlowLineLib”, of realistic and already used test instances is provided.
Data set: The database FlowLineLib contains XML files for references that solve the BAP for models of realistic and popular test instances used in multiple references. The XML files capture all parameters of the optimized lines, including the parameters of the used probability distributions. If available, we also provide the suggested buffer allocations and their resulting objective values.
The test instances can be downloaded by clicking on the author names.
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Authors: Emilio Zamorano, Annika Becker, Raik Stolletz
Published: Journal of Scheduling, 21 (1), 93–109
Abstract: This paper addresses a task assignment problem encountered by check-in counter personnel at airports. The problem consists of assigning multiskilled agents to a sequence of tasks in check-in counters. Because each task's ending time is fixed to comply with the flight schedule, its processing time depends on the arrival of the assigned agents. We propose a mixed-integer program and a branch-and-price algorithm to solve this problem. We exploit the problem structure to efficiently formulate the pricing problems and improve computation time. Using real-world data from a German ground-handling agency, we conduct numerical studies to evaluate the performance of the proposed solutions.
Data set: The data set contains 4 realistic but not real instances for the task assignment problem with start time-dependent processing times problem. Each problem instance consists of a set of tasks, traveling times, and a set of agents. Detailed results for the problem instances are given in the Appendix of the paper.
Download:TAP Instances
Scheduling Aircraft Take-Offs and Landings on Interdependent and Heterogeneous Runways
Authors: Alexander Lieder, Raik Stolletz
Published: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 88, 167–188.
Abstract: This paper presents an optimization method for the aircraft scheduling problem with general runway configurations. Take-offs and landings have to be assigned to a runway and a time while meeting the sequence-dependent separation requirements and minimizing the costs incurred by delays. Some runways can be used only for take-offs, landings, or certain types of aircraft while schedules for interdependent runways have to consider additional diagonal separation constraints.
Our dynamic programming approach solves realistic problem instances to optimality within short computation times. In addition, we propose a rolling planning horizon heuristic for large instances that returns close-to-optimal results.
Data set: The data set contains all problem instances that are solved and discussed in the numerical study of this paper. Each problem instance consists of a set of aircraft (with target times and operation classes) and class-dependent separation times for operations on the same runway and on interdependent runways. Optimal objective values of the problem instances are given in the Appendix of the paper.
Download: Dataset_LiederStolletz2016.xlsx