- Dr. Uta Mohring (University of Toronto) “Effectiveness of supply-side financial incentives in ride-hailing networks with spatial demand imbalance and strategic drivers”, December 2023
- Prof. Dr. Bariş Tan (Koç University Istanbul) “Production and Energy Mode Control of Production Systems”, November 2023
- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Legros (Ecole de Management de Normandie, Paris, France) “Are booking systems beneficial in the management of public resources?”, August 2022
- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Legros (Ecole de Management de Normandie, Paris, France) “Dynamic repositioning strategy in a bike-sharing system; how to prioritize and how to rebalance a bike station”, February 2020
- Prof. Dr. Jens Brunner (University Center for Health Care at Klinikum Augsburg) “Managing Admission and Discharge Processes in Intensive Care Units”, August 2019
- Prof. Dr. Nagesh Gavirneni (Cornell University) “Co-opetition in Service Clusters with Waiting-Area Entertainment”, October 2018
- Prof. Dr. Benjamin Legros (Paris School of Business) “A Uniformization Approach for the Dynamic Control of Queueing Systems with Abandonments”, September 2018
- Prof. Dr. Gudrun Kiesmüller (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg) “Spare Parts Provisioning for Manufacturing Systems”, May 2018
- Oktay Karabag (Koç University Istanbul) “Purchasing, production, and sales strategies for a production system with limited capacity and fluctuating sales and purchasing prices”, March 2018
- Prof. Dr. Knut Haase (University of Hamburg) “Choice-based Optimization: Merging Customers’ Choices and Organizations’ Decisions”, November 2017
- Dr.-Ing. Ailke Heidemann (The Boston Consulting Group GmbH) “Industry 4.0 – How far are we on the way towards the smart factory”, October 2017
- Dr. Thomas Maindl (University of Vienna) “Strategic portfolio planning in the energy industry: An application of GUSS, the GAMS Scenario Solver”, June 2017
- Annika Becker (Daimler AG) “A framework for new and existing decision problems and their characteristics during production ramp-ups”, March 2017
- Prof. Dr. Zeynep Akşin (Koç University, Istanbul) “How Experienced Waits Drive Queue Behavior in the Lab”, February 2017
- Dr. Nicla Frigerio (Politecnico di Milano) “Optimal Stochastic Switching of Machine Tools in Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems”, December 2016
- Dr. Stanley B. Gershwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) “Flow Line Design: Optimal Simultaneous Machine Selection and Buffer Sizing”, July 2016
- Dr. Stanley B. Gershwin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) “Case Generation for Algorithm Testing”, July 2016
- Prof. Dr. George Liberopoulos (University of Thessaly) “Analysis and design of a serial production line operated under an “echelon buffer” policy”, May 2016
- Prof. Dr. Rakhee (Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani), research project: “Time-dependent Channel Reservation Scheme for Handoff Calls in a Cellular Mobile Network”, December 2015 – January 2016
- Lennart Merkert (ABB AG, Mannheim) “Operations research in industry – Modeling and optimization at ABB Corporate Research”, November 2015
- Dr. Thomas Maindl (University of Vienna) “Scientific computing with Python: Numerical integration of the Chapman-Kolmogorov system of ODEs using NumPy & SciPy”, November 2015
- Dr. Christian Wöllenstein (OM Partners, Cologne) “Campaign planning powered by OMP Plus hybrid solver: case-study”, October 2015
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Furmans (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) “Understanding Lean: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice”, October 2015
- Prof. Dr. Bariş Tan (Koç University, Istanbul) “Modelling and Analysis of Network Organizations for Cooperation of Manufacturers on Production, Logistics, Assortment, and Procurement”, October 2015
- Dr. Thomas Maindl (University of Vienna) “A GAMS real-life example: optimal schedules for a pumped-storage hydropower plant”, April 2015
- Prof. Dr. Rob van der Mei (VU University Amsterdam, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)) “Saving Lives with Mathematics and How to Make Applied Mathematics Applicable”, April 2015
- Dr. Thomas Wensing (INFORM GmbH, Aachen) “Case Study: Network Optimization – What is the best logistic structure to route new and used vehicles from plants via ports and compounds to dealer centers?”, November 2014
- Dr. Eberhard Schmid (Tim Consult GmbH, Mannheim) “Application of Quantitative Methods and Optimization Tools in Logistics Consulting Practice”, October 2014
- Prof. Dr. Jan C. Fransoo (Eindhoven University of Technology) “Coordination of container transport in hinterland supply chains”, May 2014
- Prof. Dr. Michael Manitz (University of Duisburg-Essen) “Decomposition Approaches for Performance Evalution of Queueing Networks with Finite Buffers”, May 2014
- Dr. Eberhard Schmid (Tim Consult GmbH, Mannheim) “Application of Quantitative Methods and Optimization Tools in Logistics Consulting Practice”, December 2013
- Prof. Dr. Ger Koole (VU University Amsterdam) “Fluctuations and flexibility in call centers”, November 2013
- Lennart Merkert (ABB AG, Mannheim) “Working at ABB Corporate Research – modeling and optimization in industry”, November 2013
- Prof. Dr. Andrea Matta (Politecnico di Milano) “Operations Management Problems in Home Care Service Organizations”, November 2013
- Prof. Dr. Renzo Akkerman (Technical University of Munich) “Planning Production Systems in the Process Industries”, October 2013
- Prof. Dr. Nico Vandaele (Catholic University of Leuven) “Theory and Practice of Lean Systems: Products, Processes and Supply Chains”, March 2013
- Dr. Thomas Wensing (INFORM GmbH, Aachen) “Mixed Integer Programming in Finished Vehicle Distribution”, March 2013
- Prof. Dr. Lars Mönch (University of Hagen) “Scheduling problems in semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities”, December 2012
- Prof. Dr. Ger Koole (VU University Amsterdam) “Adaptive call blending in call centers”, November 2012
- Prof. Dr. Christiane Barz (UCLA Anderson School of Management) “Elective Patient Admissions under Multiple Resource Constraints”, July 2012
- Prof. Dr. Hubert Missbauer (University of Innsbruck) “Models for order release planning in production planning and control”, April 2012
- Svenja Lagershausen (University of Cologne) “Performance Analysis of Closed Queueing Networks by Markov Chains”, April 2012
- Dr. Eberhard Schmid (Tim Consult GmbH, Mannheim) “Modeling and Optimization of Network and Transportation Problems in Industry”, March 2012
- M.Sc. Dieter Wilken (German Aerospace Center Institute of Airport and Air Transport Research) “Some Issues on Capacity and Capacity Utilization of Airports”, November 2011.
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Helber (Leibniz Universität Hannover) “Dynamic capacitated lot sizing with random demand and dynamic safety stocks”, November 2011.
- Prof. Dr. Ger Koole (VU University Amsterdam) “Advanced planning in service processes”, May 2011.
- Dr. Eberhard Schmid (Tim Consult GmbH, Mannheim) “Optimisation of Central Distribution Strategy for Slow Moving Consumer Goods”, May 2011.