Master's Thesis

The Chair of Production Management offers three types of Master’s theses linked to different industries and business analytics approaches:


  • Prerequisites

    In order to write your Master's Thesis at the Chair of Production Management, you need to have successfully taken part in a research seminar in the Area Operations Management.

  • Application and Choice of Topic

    Your formal application should consist of the following documents:

    • Letter of motivation: one page, including:
      • a statement about your interests
        • Are you interested in a specific application/industry?
        • Are you interested in a specific optimization problem or business analytics approach?
        • Would you like to implement a business analytics approach with Python/Java/C++ or GAMS?
        • Optional: Reference to one or more example topics.
      • the desired starting date
    • CV
    • Bachelor certificate (copy)
    • Transcript of records and courses currently participating in

    Please submit an application to

    After accepting your application, we will find a suitable topic for you. If you have any further questions on Master's theses, please contact us directly.

  • Writing procedure

    After receiving a topic, you are expected to write a proposal (3 to 5 pages) in which you explain the research question, its relevance, and how you want to address it. A detailed template for the Master’s thesis proposal can be found here. After the acceptance of the proposal, the regular writing period of 4 months will start. Approximately half-time during your Master’s thesis, you are expected to present your current progress in the Master colloquium. During your Master's thesis, you are also expected to actively participate in the Master colloquium presentations of the other students (OPM 762).

    Instructions on writing Master's theses will be given in the course “Basics of scientific writing for final theses” (OPM 763).

  • Submission of thesis

    Your final submission consists of:

    • Printed thesis (twofold, hardcover)
    • USB stick or CD containing:
      • Master's thesis as digital document (pdf + Latex or Word sources)
      • All used literature (pdf)
      • Additional material, e.g., source codes, data, programs

    You can download a process chart containing all relevant information regarding the Master's thesis here. If you have any other questions regarding Master's theses, please contact us.

Examples of Master's theses topics