
The paper ‚Financial Advice and Bank Profits‘ has appeared in the latest issue of the Review of Financial Studies
The paper ‚Financial Advice and Bank Profits‘ by Stefan Ruenzi (joint with Daniel Hoechle, Nic Schaub, and Markus Schmid) has appeared in the latest issue of the Review of Financial Studies.
GESS Science Speed Dating Award recieved by Santanu Kundu
For his paper „Building Trust“, Santanu Kundu received the GESS Science Speed Dating Award from the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences in Mannheim.
Best PhD Paper Award at the 25th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association received by Pavel Lesnevski
For his paper „A Name That Rings a Bell: Spillover Effects in Stocks with Similar Company Names“, Pavel Lesnevski received the best doctoral paper award at the PhD Workshop of the 25th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association held in Trier in September 20–22, 2018.
Best Paper Award for „The limits to information processing“ by Anja Kunzmann
For her paper „The limits to information processing: Distracted analysts and their earnings forecasts“ Anja Kunzmann received the best paper award at the 25th Annual Global Finance Conference held in Paris from July 3–5, 2018.
Two papers accepted at AFA 2019 in Atlanta
The papers “The impact of Role Models on Women’s Self Selection in Competitive Environments” (Kristina Mercedes Meier, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, and Stefan Ruenzi) and “M&A(advertising)” (Alexander Hillert, Anja Kunzmann, and Stefan Ruenzi) have been accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting ...
Paper accepted at EFA 2018 in Warsaw
The paper “The impact of Role Models on Women’s Self Selection in Competitive Environments” (Kristina Mercedes Meier, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, and Stefan Ruenzi) has been accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association 2018 in Warsaw.
Karin-Islinger Award for PhD Thesis of Michael Ungeheuer
Our former chair member, Michael Ungeheuer, got awarded the Karin-Islinger Award for his dissertation “Essays on Investor Behavior and Financial Markets”. Congratulations!
Information event for prospective Finance PhD Students
The event took place on May 25, 2018, in O151. Interested students can find the presentation slides here.
Boston Globe reports on research by Stefan Ruenzi
In todays newspaper, the Boston Globe features a short story on the recently published paper “Sex Matters – Gender Bias in the Mutual Industry” by Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi and Stefan Ruenzi. You can find the article here and the paper, which is forthcoming in Management Science – can be found here.
FAZ Reports on Research Results
One of the leading German daily newspapers, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) features an article on our recent research results. Please find the article here.