
Handels­blatt and Spiegel Online Report on Research
The German daily business newspaper Handels­blatt and news website Spiegel Online report on a new survey study by Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi and Stefan Ruenzi that analyzes the determinants of career choices of female and male business students. Download a summary of the study results here. We ...
Paper accepted by Review of Financial Studies
The paper “Financial Advice and Bank Profits” by Stefan Ruenzi (with Daniel Hoechle, Nic Schaub, and Markus Schmid) has been accepted for publication by the Review of Financial Studies.
Paper accepted by Economics Letters
The paper “Momentum and Crash Sensitivity” by Stefan Ruenzi and Florian Weigert has been accepted for publication by Economics Letters.
Paper now published in Journal of Financial Economics
The paper „Tail Risk in Hedge Funds: A Unique View from Portfolio Holdings“ by Vikas Agarwal, Stefan Ruenzi, and Florian Weigert has now been published in the Journal of Financial Economics in Vol. 125, Issue 3, p. 610–636.
BAI Research Award for “Tail Risk in Hedge Funds”
Stefan Ruenzi received the research prize of the German alternative investments foundation (Bundes­verband Alternative Investments) for his paper “Tail Risk in Hedge Funds” (joint with Vikas Agarwal and Florian Weigert).
Paper accepted by Management Science
The paper “Sex Matters – Gender Bias in the Mutual Fund Industry” by Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi and Stefan Ruenzi has been accepted for publication by Management Science.
Best Paper Award for “Financial Advice and Bank Profits” by Stefan Ruenzi
Stefan Ruenzi received the Engelbert Dockner Memorial Prize for the best paper presented at the 2017 WU Gutmann Center Symposium for the paper “Financial Advice and Bank Profits” (joint with Daniel Hoechle, Nic Schaub, and Markus Schmid).
Best Paper Award for „Surprise in Short Interest“ by P. Lesnevski and E. Smajlbegovic
For their paper „Surprise in Short Interest“ Pavel Lesnevski and Esad Smajlbegovic received the best paper in behavioral finance award at the European Joint Conference 2017 of Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance (Europe) and Academy of Behavioral Finance and Economics held in Stuttgart on 16–17 March ...
The introductory slides for the course FIN 580 – Derivatives I
The introductory slides for the course FIN 580 – Derivatives I are available at the course page.
Paper accepted by Journal of Financial Economics
The paper „Tail Risk in Hedge Funds: A Unique View from Portfolio Holdings“ by Vikas Agarwal, Stefan Ruenzi, and Florian Weigert has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Financial Economics.