
Grundsätzlich haben Studierende, die an unserem Lehr­stuhl ihre Master­arbeit schreiben möchten, die Möglichkeit eine forschungs­orientierte oder eine praxis­orientierte Master­arbeit anzufertigen.

Voraussetzung für die Anfertigung eine Master­arbeit an unserem Lehr­stuhl ist die erfolgreiche Absolvierung eines Seminars MKT 7X0 an einem der Marketing-Lehr­stühle (LS Homburg MKT 710, LS Stahl MKT 720, LS Kuester MKT 730 oder LS Kraus MKT 740). Die Voraussetzungen für den Besuch der Seminare finden Sie auf den jeweiligen Informations­seiten der Seminare.

Exemplarische Master­arbeits­themen

  • Digital Governance in B2B Markets

    Technological advances (such as blockchain technology) lead to a hyperconnected world (Swaminathan, Sorescu, Steenkamp, and Schmidt, 2020) in which firms can create value not independently but by exchanging data, knowledge, creativity, and other resources with other eco­system partners (Suseno, Laurell, and Sick, 2019; Vial, 2019). Airbus designed and launched the Skywise open data platform in 2017 to effectively manage its internal processes to realize higher operational efficiency, connect to its suppliers to improve its predictive maintenance, and collaborate with airports to introduce services for optimized air and ground traffic management. While the potential of such knowledge platforms is unprecedented (Hanisch, Theodosiadis, and Teixeira 2021), they have built-in conflicts of interest that need promising digital governance approaches.

    You can explore different research questions in your master thesis. For instance, expert interviews may represent a suitable way to address these questions.

    You can also write this master thesis in German.

  • Dynamic Pricing

    Prices in online markets have become more volatile than ever before. Companies frequently rely on pricing algorithms to determine and change prices (even within a day) or charge individual prices (e.g., personalized prices to consumers). Focal questions are:

    • How do consumers respond to those changes in pricing, and how these responses trans­late into company outcomes
    • What are competitive implications? Do pricing algorithms collude?
    • How should companies implement dynamic pricing?

    These are exemplary questions you could study in your master thesis. Different data collection methods could be appropriate (e.g., expert interviews, experimental studies).

    You can also write this master thesis in German.

  • Value Creation in the Algorithmic Economy

    The algorithmic economy is on the rise. Intelligent algorithms evaluate applicants (Logg, 2019), deep learning algorithms may partly substitute sales reps, and other professions (Granulo, Fuchs, and Puntoni 2019), speech and language-enabled chatbots replace call center personnel (e.g., Wedel and Kannan, 2016). Blockchain technology eradicates bureaucracy while enabling trusted exchanges between business partners who have never met (Hanisch, Theodosiadis, and Teixeira 2021). With artificial intelligence taking over tasks for which human beings were traditionally in charge, how firms can create and capture value becomes crucial for managers. How does the algorithmic economy impact organizational structures and eco­systems? How can companies integrate the human factor (employees, customers, or business partners)? Which governance mechanisms foster control (while enabling information) over the process and outcome of artificial intelligence?

    There are different questions that you could explore in a master thesis. Different data collection methods could be appropriate (e.g., expert interviews, experimental studies).

    You can also write this master thesis in German.

  • Marketing and Societal Implications

    Marketing research traditionally focused on its impact on customers. However, there are critical secondary audiences to marketing, such as employees. Strong brands or advertising claims may impact applicants or employees. For instance, Google’s customer brand power may attract applicants. Or, Lufthansa’s positive brand perceptions may motivate employees to use their skills to cater to company goals. Besides, selling approaches and increased demand for agility may impact employees. Increased job demands may negatively affect salesperson health.

    There are different questions that you could explore in a master thesis. Depending on the selected topics, datasets might be available at the chair.

    You can also write this master thesis in German.

  • Electronic Word of Mouth in (Marketing) Research

    While online product reviews have been used for decision-making in practice for several years, other forms of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) such as employee reviews are much less prevalent.

    This is surprising, as several research papers have already shown that employee reviews offer deep insights into employee perceptions.

    Potential questions for a master thesis could be: Which use cases arise from eWOM for marketing? How can existing findings from marketing research be trans­ferred to new/different forms of eWOM? How can the trans­fer of knowledge between the marketing department and other departments in the company be accelerated to use existing knowledge (e.g., in text mining) throughout the company? Why do only few companies make targeted use of employee reviews for decision-making?

    You can also write this master thesis in German.

Falls Sie sich für ein Thema interessieren, kontaktieren Sie bitte direkt den entsprechenden Betreuer.

Ferner besteht die Möglichkeit, eigene Themen vorzuschlagen. Kontaktieren Sie hierzu bitte zunächst Prof. Dr. Arnd Vomberg.