
New publication on supply chain disruptions and supplier performance
„Good at being bad“: Poorly performing suppliers signal red flags for supply chain disruptions
„State of the Procurement Profession Survey 2024“ presented at ISM World in Las Vegas, NV
The Executive Summary is available for download, now!
New doctoral student joins our team
Tobias Fechner will focus on AI applications in procurement
Davide Burkhart wins the BME Science Award 2024
The BME science award honors outstanding scientific achievements in the areas of purchasing, logistics, and supply chain.
17th Academic Symposium „Supply Management“ on March-04/05, 2024
For the 8th consecutive time in Mannheim. Join us for a great program!
New publication: „Artificial intelligence and machine learning in purchasing and supply management“
The paper by Jan Spreitzenbarth, Christoph Bode, and Heiner Stuckenschmidt highlights the growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in procurement.
Spring 2024 planning of the Endowed Chair of Procurement
Important information for the courses offered by the Endowed Chair of Procurement in Spring 2024
Der Mittelbau des Mannheimer Schlosses im Sonnenlicht.
Fully funded PhD Scholar­ships: Apply now for the structured Ph.D. Program in Operations Management
Interested in pursuing a fully funded PhD in operations management at Germany's top-ranked business school?
Mannheim Gap Year 2024/2025: Apply now!
Anyone can organize three intern­ships. We organize academic excellence turning talent into impact!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Closing out the year with good vibes and looking forward to more great times together in 2024!