
Trans­atlantic Climate Conversation on „Climate Change and Business: Sustainable Alliances and Sustainable Operations“
Ben Gomes-Casseres (Brandeis) and Christoph Bode (U Mannheim) will discuss Sustainable Alliances and Sustainable Operations.
Joint the Porsche case challenge – with OPM 692
Hot topics, hot competition, and hot sports cars – sounds interesting? Then, come to our OPM 692 kickoff session.
B.Sc. elective „Processes and Strategies of Negotiation“ in Spring 2023: Still a few open places
Our negotiation block-course for B.Sc. students will take place in February and March 2023
Spring 2023 – Planning of the Endowed Chair of Procurement
The Spring semester 2023 is just around the corner! Please see the key information from the Endowed Chair of Procurement...
Gap Year 2023/2024: Info-Session, January-30, 10am
„Operations Management Track“ wieder mit zahlreichen nahmhaften Unter­nehmen!
Doctoral Defense of Jan Ohmstedt
Jan Ohmstedt successfully defended his dissertation
Exam results and post-exam reviews: OPM 591 „Strategic Procurement“, OPM 593 „Negotiation“, and OPM 691 „Supply Risk Management“
Exam results for OPM 591 „Strategic Procurement“, OPM 593 „Negotiation“, OPM 691 „Supply Risk Management“ have been released
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Endowed Chair of Procurement
Watch our Christmas video!
Das Mannheimer Barockschloss und der Ehrenhof.
Juniorprofessur für Supply Chain Management
An der Fakultät für Betriebs­wirtschafts­lehre ist eine Juniorprofessur für Supply Chain Management (W1 ohne tenure track) zu besetzen. Bewerbungs­frist: 31. Jan. 2023. Details sind hier verfügbar. Ansprech­partner: Prof. Dr. Moritz Fleischmann, Lehr­stuhl für Supply Chain Management.
Next „Global Innovation Challenge“ in Spring 2023
In the upcoming spring semester, we will offer again our „Sourcing Excellence“ course (OPM 693)