
Online teaching will replace in-person classes
Commencing Tuesday, March-17, all of our courses will be delivered as digital live streams.
Wissenschaft­liches Symposium „Supply Management“ 2020 – Another successful edition in Mannheim
The 2020 Academic Symposium „Supply Management“ of the German Association Supply Chain Management, Procurement, and Logistics (BME), took place on March 9–10 at the University of Mannheim.
Postponement of the field trip to Roche
Sorry, but we'll make up for it another time.
Welcome to the spring semester 2020!
Important information for the courses offered by the Endowed Chair of Procurement
Resit exam results and post-exam review: OPM 591 „Strategic Procurement“
Resit exam results of OPM 591 „Strategic Procurement“ have been released
New CPO Survey on the Future of Procurement
Do you want to know which role digital tools, new operating models, and different working relations­hips with suppliers play in modern procurement? Please participate in our third consecutive survey on the state of procurement's digital trans­formation.
„Pro-Curement-Award 2019“ für Master­arbeit von Michael Ludäscher
Im Rahmen der Jahresauftakt­veranstaltung der BME-Region Pfalz/Rhein-Neckar wurde er für seine Master­arbeit „Benchmarking CSR Performance using Data Envelopment Analysis“ ausgezeichnet
New master thesis topics have been published
Interested in conducting your master thesis research in collaboration us?
Final results and post-exam review: OPM 591 „Strategic Procurement“
Final results for OPM 591 „Strategic Procurement“ have been released
Gehaltsstudie mit dem BME gestartet
Ziel ist die Messung von Gehaltsbändern und -faktoren. Das Gehalt ist eine zentrale Komponente in Vorstellungs- und Jahresgesprächen und ein wichtiger Faktor für die Job­zufriedenheit.