
Post-exam review: OPM 692 „Advanced Procurement“
Second post-exam review opportunity for OPM 692 on Thursday, October-08
Post-exam review: OPM 452 „Processes and Strategies of Negotiation“
Second post-exam review opportunity for OPM 452 on Thursday, October-08
Info Session: MMM Introduction of the Area Operations Management
Meet with the operations management faculty and learn about how to study analytics, operations, and supply chain topics in Mannheim!
CLAAS Recruiting Event on Instagram
claas_careers goes Instagram Live
Welcome to the fall semester 2020!
Important information for the courses offered by the Endowed Chair of Procurement
Participate in our survey on supply chain disruptions and resilience
Which role do personal characteristics play in resilience-related decision-making?
Results of the 2020 CPO survey: The digital trans­formation of procurement is progressing
A 2020 survey shows that companies experience a high impact of digital trans­formation for procurement
Exam results for OPM 692 „Advanced Procurement“ have been released.
The final grades are now available on the student portal.
Digital guest lecture by Salvatore Lombardo, SAP's Chief Product Officer Procurement
Tuesday, May-26, at 9:00 o'clock – please find the access link in the chair's ILIAS folder.
Das Lehr­stuhl-Team sucht Verstärkung!
Interesse an einer Promotion? Wir bieten eine Stelle als Doktorand/Wiss. Mitarbeiter (m/w) und spannende Forschungs­themen in einem jungen, ambitionierten Team.