17th Academic Symposium „Supply Management“ on March-04/05, 2024

On March-04 and March-05, we will host the 17th Academic Symposium „Supply Management“ of the German Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics (BME) in the Fuchs-Petrolub Festsaal (O 138) of the University of Mannheim.
This year's program features the finals of the BME science award, a welcome adress from Dr. Helena Melnikov (executive director, BME), a keynote from Fabian Heinrich (Co-founder of Mercanis) and a panel discussion on procure tech with Prof. Dr. Leif Döring(Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Mannheim and co-founder and chief scientist of adago), and great research-practice networking.
If this sounds interesting, please find the full program here or directly register here (free for students, choose option „kostenlos“).