
Chair of Quantitative Marketing & Consumer Analytics

Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl

Prof. Dr. Florian Stahl

The Research Group in Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics at the University of Mannheim, focus on the application of quantitative methods and marketing analytics to answer marketing issues with high managerial relevance.

We believe in new approaches that allow us to answer research questions in a more precise and holistic way than possible in the past. Therefore, the group applies state-of-the-art data science methods and works with large data sets to uncover new and sometimes unexpected insights for marketers and managers alike.

Our work is not only beneficial for the academic community. We also work hands on, applying  latest knowledge from research and generating actionable insights for corporations. The manner and extent of our expert advice adapts to corporations' current challenges and aims to assist companies in the setup of data- and analytics strategy, data-based decision making, or with topics such as pricing analytics or automated marketing. 

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Mannheim Master in Management Analytics


Digital innovation, big data, and business and management analytics are key developments for the challenges ahead in all business areas. 


Get ready for the challenges of digital transformation with this joint master's program from IDC Herzliya and Mannheim Business School.

Blogs of the Research Group


The articles published here translate the academic findings of our research into insights for practitioners.


Customer and Digital Experience Excellence: A research and publication project by img and our Chair.