Area Marketing & Sales
The area Marketing & Sales is part of the School of Business Administration and consists of the chairs of Professor Christian Homburg, Professor Florian Kraus, Professor Sabine Kuester and Professor Florian Stahl.
On this page you will find information about the professors of the area, the research assistants and the office and area management as well as an insight into the research projects of the area marketing & sales. The website also gives you an overview of the wide range of courses, publications and other interesting offers for studies, research and careers.
- Blečić, A. and Kuester, S. (2024). Which moments matter most? Investigating boundary conditions of the effect of specific moments on overall evaluations of customer experiences. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1–13.
- Hartmann, S., Homburg, C. and Ruhnau, R.-C. (2024). Understanding and managing the link between firms’ strategic risk-taking and salespeople’s defensive behavior in price negotiations. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management : JPSSM, 1–20.
- Homburg, C., Knapp, M. and Wagner-Fabisch, R. (2024). Personality matters: how adaptive selling skills mediate the effect of personality traits on salespeople's exploited cross-selling potential. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management : JPSSM.
- Homburg, C., Schyma, T., Hohenberg, S., Atefi, Y. and Ruhnau, R.-C. (2024). “Coopetition” in the presence of team and individual incentives: Evidence from the advice network of a sales organization. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 306–328.
- Lanzrath, A., Homburg, C. and Ruhnau, R.-C. (2024). Increasing graduates' interest in B2B sales: how to dispel lay beliefs, fight stigma, and create a profession of choice. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management : JPSSM, 1–20.
- Spanjol, J., Noble, C. H., Baer, M., Bogers, M., Bohlmann, J., Bouncken, R. B., Bstieler, L., De Luca, L. M., Garcia, R., Gemser, G., Grewal, D., Hoegl, M., Kuester, S., Kumar, M., Lee, R., Mahr, D., Nakata, C., Ordanini, A., Rindfleisch, A., Seidel, V. P., Sorescu, A., Verganti, R. and Wetzels, M. (2024). Fueling innovation management research: Future directions and five forward-looking paths. The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 41, 893–948.
- Beichert, M., Bayerl, A., Goldenberg, J. and Lanz, A. (2023). Revenue generation through influencer marketing. Journal of Marketing : JM, 1–24.
- Goldenberg, J., Lanz, A., Shapira, D. and Stahl, F. (2023). Targeting nearby influencers: The acceleration of natural triadic closure by leveraging interconnectors. Journal of Marketing : JM, 1–20.
- Homburg, C. and Tischer, M. (2023). Customer journey management capability in business‑to‑business markets: Its bright and dark sides and overall impact on firm performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51, 1046-1074.
- Konya-Baumbach, E., Biller, M. and von Janda, S. (2023). Someone out there? A study on the social presence of anthropomorphized chatbots. Computers in Human Behavior, 139, 1–18.
- Lanz, A., Goldenberg, J., Shapira, D. and Stahl, F. (2023). Buying future endorsements from prospective influencers on user-generated content platforms. Journal of Marketing Research : JMR, 1–19.
- Lanzrath, A. I., Homburg, C. and Ruhnau, R.-C. (2023). Women's underrepresentation in business‑to‑business sales: Reasons, contingencies, and solutions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
- Schoenmueller, V., Netzer, O. and Stahl, F. (2023). Frontiers: Polarized America: From political polarization to preference polarization. Marketing Science, 42, 48–60.
- Harz, N., Hohenberg, S. and Homburg, C. (2022). Virtual reality in new product development: Insights from prelaunch sales forecasting for durables. Journal of Marketing : JM, 86, 157–179.
- Homburg, C. and Wielgos, D. M. (2022). The value relevance of digital marketing capabilities to firm performance. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 666–688.
- Kalogeraki, A., Kuester, S. and von Janda, S. (2024). Mitglieder-initiierte Online-Communities: Chancen für digitales Marketing. IMU Research Insights, 089. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Blečić, A., Kuester, S. and Barth, M. (2023). Der Einfluss des Timing von positiven und negativen Ereignissen im Rahmen von Kundenerlebnissen auf die Bewertung durch Kunden. IMU Research Insights, 086. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Mueller, A., Kuester, S. and von Janda, S. (2023). Die Fehler von Künstlicher Intelligenz und deren Auswirkungen auf den Kunden. IMU Research Insights, 083. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Biller, M., Konya-Baumbach, E. and Kuester, S. (2022). Künstliche Intelligenz im Gesundheitswesen: Kundenseitige Resistenz und Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Akzeptanz. IMU Research Insights, 77. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Homburg, C., Knapp, M. and Wagner-Fabisch, R. (2022). Einfluss von Persönlichkeitsfaktoren und Adaptive Selling Skills auf die Cross-Selling Performance von Vertriebsmitarbeitern. IMU Research Insights, 081. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Homburg, C., Mettler, S. and Ruhnau, R.-C. (2022). Der Einsatz von IoT-Technologie bei Konsumgütern: Die Auswirkungen der Kundenwahrnehmung von IoT auf die Beziehung zum Hersteller. IMU Research Insights, 079. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Konya-Baumbach, E., Barth, M. and Kuester, S. (2022). ,Fear of Missing Out’ (FOMO): Auslöser und Auswirkungen im Mobile Marketing. IMU Research Insights, 080. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Mueller, A., Kuester, S. and von Janda, S. (2022). Off the mark: The influence of AI-induced errors on consumers. Marketing Science Institute Working Paper Series, Report No. 22–119. New York, NY: MSI.
- Ruhnau, R.-C., Homburg, C. and Hohenberg, S. (2022). Marketing in der Finanzmarktkommunikation: Insights von Experteninterviews, Conference Calls und Aktienkursreaktionen. IMU Research Insights, 78. Mannheim: Institut für Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung, Universität Mannheim.
- Blečić, A., Kuester, S. and Barth, M. (2023). Which moments matter most? Investigating the influence of temporal sequences on global evaluations of customer experiences. In , 2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference : reconnecting and reconceiving the marketplace, February 6, virtual, February 10–12, Nashville, Tennessee, proceedings (S. 623–626). AMA Educators' Proceedings, American Marketing Association ; Curran: Chicago, IL ; Red Hook, NY.
- Kalogeraki, A., Kuester, S. and von Janda, S. (2023). An investigation of member initiated online communities from a marketing perspective: From social capital to brand benefit: An abstract. In , 2023 Academy of Marketing Science Conference – Annual: Welcome to the New Normal: Life After the Chaos (S. ). , Louisiana Tech University: Ruston, LA.
- Konya-Baumbach, E., Biller, M. and Kuester, S. (2023). Investigating consumers' hesitant adoption of medical artificial intelligence. In , 2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference : reconnecting and reconceiving the marketplace, February 6, virtual, February 10–12, Nashville, Tennessee, proceedings (S. 48–51). AMA Educators' Proceedings, American Marketing Association ; Curran: Chicago, IL ; Red Hook, NY.
- Mueller, A., Kuester, S. and von Janda, S. (2023). Artificial Intelligence that errs: Repercussions of AI-induced errors on consumers and society: An abstract. In , 2023 Academy of Marketing Science – Annual: Welcome to the New Normal: Life After the Chaos (S. ). , Louisiana Tech University: Ruston, LA.
- Konya-Baumbach, E., Biller, M. and Kuester, S. (2022). Investigating consumers’ hesitant adoption of medical artificial intelligence. In , AIRSI 2022 : technologies 4.0 in tourism, services & marketing ; conference proceedings, University of Zaragoza, Spain, 11–13 July 2022 (S. 99–103). , University of Zaragoza: Zaragoza.
- Mueller, A., Kuester, S. and von Janda, S. (2022). Not so intelligent after all – consumer perceptions of AI-induced errors. In , 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference: reconnecting and reconceiving the marketplace ; February 10–11, virtual ; February 18–20, Las Vegas, Nevada ; proceedings (S. 121–123). Proceedings / AMA Winter Academic Conference, American Marketing Association ; Curran: Evanston, IL ; Omaha, NE.
- Homburg, C., Klarmann, M. and Vomberg, A. (eds.) (2022). Handbook of market research. Cham: Springer.