Brown Bag Seminar
The Brown Bag Seminar provides an internal forum for our PhD students, postdocs and faculty to present early-stage working papers or research ideas. The seminar is actually held on Wednesday from 1:45 pm to 3:15 pm in O 048 (in some cases also parallel via ZOOM if necessary). If several speakers want to present there will be a second slot from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm.
Current Term
Program for the current term
19 February
2nd slot!
Christian Friedrich (with Anna Costello and Gerrit von Zedlitz): „Transparency Initatives in Black Markets: Evidence from Illegal Drugs”
26 February
Scholarly Improv Session
5 March
Scholarly Improv Session
12 March
19 March
26 March
30 April
7 May
Christin Schmitt (with Philipp Dörrenberg and Alina Prang): „Does Simplification Increase Firms’ Compliance with VAT?Evidence from the Cross-border E-Commerce Sector“
21 May