Research Seminar – 2011

21 February

Arnie Wright: „The Impact of Regulatory Enforcement and the Adoption of Principles-Based Accounting on Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Auditors’ Judgments“

Northeastern University


16 March 

Markus Arnold: „Costly Budget Negotiations and Financial Distress: An Experimental Investigation“

Universität Hamburg


23 March 

Reinald Koch: „Taxation and Corporate Risk Taking“

University of Goettingen


6 April 

Ulrike Stefani: Team Production and Fairness

  • „Team Production, Hold-up, and Social Preferences: An Experimental Investigation“
  • „Performance, Productivity and Fairness: An Experiment on the Distribution of Joint Production“

Universität Konstanz


13 April 

Georg Schneider: „Positive Foundations of Mandatory Disclosure“

Universität Paderborn


11 May 

Francesco Bova: „Employee Owner­ship and Firm Disclosure“

University of Toronto


18 May 

Ole-Kristian Hope: „Relations­hip-Specificity, Contract Enforceability, and Income Smoothing“

University of Toronto


1 June 

Jochen Bigus: „Board compensation and fair-value accounting with commercial banks“

FU Berlin


8 June 

Volker Laux

The University of Texas at Austin 


1 July 

Douglas Shackelford

University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School


Sepember 14 

Nadja Dwenger: „Sharing the burden: Empirical evidence on corporate tax incidence“



Sepember 21 

Nicolas Serrano-Velarde: „The Causal Effect of Bankruptcy Law on the Cost of Finance“

Oxford University


September 28 

Christian Keuschnigg: „Taxation and Incorporation“

University of St. Gallen 


October 26 

Thorsten Sellhorn: „Fair Value and Audit Fees“

WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management 


November 30 

Yachang Zeng: „Do Sell-Side Analysts Monitor Accounting Quality?“

Tilburg University