Research Seminar – 2018 – 2019

18 September

Per Olson: Analysts’ Earnings Adjustments and Changes in Accounting Standards

ESMT Berlin

16 October

Laurence van Lent: Firm-Level Political Risk – Measurement and Effects

Frankfurt School

23 October

Marcel Tuijn: Do Firms Strategically Announce Capacity Expansions in Response to Threats of Entry?

Erasmus University Rotterdam

30 October

Hui Chen: Stability and Regime Change: The Evolution of Accounting Standards

University of Zurich

6 November

John Gallemore: Corporate Tax Enforcement Externalities and the Banking Sector

University of Chicago Booth School of Business

27 November

Stefano Cascino: Labor Market Effects of Spatial Licensing Requirements: Evidence from CPA Mobility

London School of Economics and Political Science

18 December

Wen Li: What Can We Learn From Debt Valuation Adjustments?

Lancaster University

18 December

Maximilian Muhn: Financial Trans­parency of Private Firms: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment

Humboldt University of Berlin


31 January

Nathan Goldman: Executive Compensation, Insider Trading Profitability, and Capital Gains Taxe

University of Dallas at Dallas

18 February

Yi-Chun Chen: Economic Consequences of Mandatory Bail-in

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

26 February

Rebecca Lester: Do targeted business tax subsidies achieve expected benefits?

Stanford University

19 March

Lillian Mills: The measurement of quarterly earnings: Integral versus discrete method

University of Texas at Austin

26 March

Christoph Pelger: Initiation of voluntary change and innovation in external reporting: A case study of the restructuring of an annual report

University of Innsbruck

9 April

Inder Khurana: Employee-shareholder Conflicts and Earnings Opacity

University of Missouri

14 May

Jeff Hoopes: Strategic Subsidiary Disclosure

University of North Carolina

21 May

Matthias Breuer: Financial Reporting Mandates and Innovation

Columbia University

28 May

Allen Huang: Court ideology and tax avoidance

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology