Research Seminar

(co-hosted by the Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 Accounting for Trans­parency)

Our Research Seminar in Accounting & Taxation provides a forum for our faculty, PhD students, and invited speakers to present, discuss, and debate current research in a workshop-style format.

Program for the current term

Room TBA , on Tuesdays 1.45 ̶ 3.15 pm


14 September 2021

Towery, Erin:„The Effect of Unchallenged Tax Positions on Corporate Tax Aggressiveness: Evidence from Statute of Limitations Lapses”

University of Georgia

21 September 2021

Mahlendorf, Matthias:„Does lowering barriers to rate improve the informativeness of the rating consensus on online platforms?*”

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

12 October 2021 postponed tba

Gerakos, Joseph

Tuck School of Business

19 October 2021

Burks, Jeffrey: „Does Capital Market Scrutiny Discourage Banks from Accommodating Distressed Borrowers?”

University of Notre Dame, Indiana

2 November 2021

Kim, Sehwa: „Accounting Rule–Driven Regulatory Capital Management and itsReal Effects for U.S. Life Insurers”

Columbia Business School

16 November 2021

Lombardi Yohn, Teri: „Measuring portfolio gains from earnings announcement trading signals”

Emory University's Goizueta Business School

23 November 2021

Amberger, Harald: „The Initial Effect of U.S. Tax Reform on Foreign Acquisitions“

Vienna University of Economics and Business

30 November 2021 posponed tba

Piotroski, Joseph: „Controlling the Media's Narrative: The coordination and disciplining role of the People's Daily in China“

Stanford Graduate School of Business

7 December 2021 posponed tba

Khan, Urooj

University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business


15 February 2022

Cazier, Richard: „Media Bias and Shareholder Litigation”

University of North Texas

1 March 2022

Wilde, Jaron posponed tba

University of Iowa

8 March 2022

Zwick, Eric posponed tba

University of the Chicago Booth School of Business

5 April 2022

Lynch, Dan posponed tba

University of Wisconsin-Madison

26 April 2022

Roychowdhury, Sugata: „Internalizing Peer Firm Proprietary Costs: Evidence from Supply Chain Relations”

Northwestern University

3 May 2022

Blouin, Jennifer: „Taxes, Risk-Taking Incentives, and Relative Performance Evaluation”

University of Pennsylvania

10 May 2022 posponed tba

Williams, Christopher

University of Michigan

17 May 2022 posponed tba

Floyd, Eric

University of California, San Diego

24 May 2022 posponed tba

Dyreng, Scott

Duke University

31 May 2022

Markle, Kevin: „Tax Deficits and the Income Shifting of U.S. Multinationals”

Michigan State University

7 June 2022

Hail, Luzi: „Determinants and Career Consequences of Early Audit Partner Rotations*"

University of Pennsylvania

14 June 2022

Stice-Lawrence, Lorien: „Differential Treatment and Local Information Advantage“

University of Southern California

21 June 2022

Petacchi, Reining: The Effect of Audit Firm Internal Governance on Auditor Behavior and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Internal Inspections”

Georgetown University

28 June 2022

Klassen, Ken: „Tax Aggressive Behavior and Voluntary Tax Disclosures in Corporate Sustainability Reporting”

University of Waterloo







Past Research Seminars