Research Seminar – 2009

4 March
Prof. Wagenhofer: „Optimal Precision of Accounting Information in Debt Contracting”"
Universität Graz


18 March
Prof. Johannes Voget: „Headquarter Relocations and International Taxation“
Said Business School, Oxford University


8 April
Prof. Jörg Budde: „Bonus Pools and Tournaments under Objective and Subjective Performance Indicators“
Universität Bonn


29 April
Prof. Stephen A. Hillegeist: „Financial Distress Risk and Initial CEO Compensation Contracts“



6 May
Prof. Jan F.M.G. Bouwens: „The Economics of Full Cost Trans­fer Pricing“
Tilburg University


3 June
Prof. Irem Tuna: „Management Forecast Credibility and Underreaction to News“
London Business School


18 June
Prof. Carolyn Levine: "“Real and Exaggerated Internal Control Deficiencies”"
Carnegie Mellon University


24 June
Prof. Steven Salterio: "“Do Audit Actions Consistent with Increased Auditor Scepticism Deter Potential Management Malfeasance?”"
Queen's University


14 October

Prof. Ulf Schiller: „Bilanzpolitik bei Zwischenberichts­erstattung“

University of Bern


4 November

Dr. Christof Beuselinck: "“Multinational Income Shifting, Tax Enforcement and Firm value”"

Tilburg University


18 November

Dr. Nadine Riedel: „Corporate Tax Effects on the Quality and Quantity of FDI“

Oxford University


2 December

Prof. Ralf Maiterth: „Inheritance Tax-exempt Trans­fer of German Businesses: Imperative or Unjustified Subsidy? – An Empirical Analysis“

Leibniz Universität Hannover


9 December

Dr. Markus Maedler: „An Analysis of Congruity“

IESE Business School