Research Seminar – 2017 – 2018

17 October
Maria Correia: Group Affiliation and Default Prediction
London School of Economics and Political Science

7 November
Juan Manuel Garcia-Lara: Accounting quality effects 
of imposing quotas on boards of directors

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

15 November
Edwige Cheynel: Estimating the marginal cost of manipulation
University of California, San Diego, Rady School of Management 

21 November
Stephen Campbell: Permanent and temporary tax avoidance as a source of financing: How to succeed where the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 failed
University of California, Irvine, CA

28 November
Thomas Rauter: Disclosure Regulation, Corruption, and Investment: Evidence from Natural Resource Extraction
Vienna University of Economics and Business 

29 November
Antonio De Vito: Employment Protection and Tax Avoidance
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management 

5 December
Jörg-Markus Hitz: Real effects in anticipation of mandatory disclosures: Evidence from the European Union’s CSR directive
Georg-August Univerität Göttingen

18 January
Petro Lisowsky: Predation and Taxes
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

6 March
Nemit Shroff: Disclosure incentives when competing firms have common owner­ship
MIT Sloan School of Management

20 March
Leslie Robinson: Negotiated Tax Havens
Tuck School of Business Dartmouth

10 April
Alex Edwards: Investor Response to Tax Related SEC Comment Letters
Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto

23 April
Patrick Hopkins: An Investigation of Auditors’ Judgments when Companies Release Earnings before Audit Completion
Kelley School of Business – Indiana University

24 April
Leslie Hodder: Fair Value Measurement Discretion and Opportunistic Loss Avoidance
Kelley School of Business – Indiana University

22 May (10:15 – 11:45 am in room O 126)
Sudarshan Jayaraman: Should I Stay or Should I Grow? Feedback Effects of Voluntary Disclosure
University of Rochester