MAN 645 Leader­ship and Motivation

This course is offered in fall semesters (HWS).

Aim of Module

This course is designed to introduce students to different perspectives on leader­ship and the role motivation plays in the leader­ship process. It provides students with a comprehensive understanding of leader­ship theories (e.g. trait, skills, style, and situational approaches) and discusses contemporary challenges of leader­ship in organizations (e.g. culture and leader­ship, women in leader­ship positions, ethical leader­ship). Furthermore, the course gives students the opportunity to experience their own leader­ship behavior and thereby helps them prepare for leader­ship roles in organizations.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students will be able to...

  • … understand different approaches to leading and motivating employees,
  • … analyze different leader­ship styles and evaluate their advantages and disadvantages,
  • … assess factors of successful leader­ship,
  • … understand potential problems in the interaction between supervisors and subordinates,
  • … learn about their own leader­ship style.

Grading based on

•   Written exam

•   Assignment