Bild: Sebastian Weindel
- Algorithmen in HRM
- Nachhaltiges HRM und unternehmerische Verantwortung
- Strategisches Personalmanagement
- Führung und Führungserfolg
- Koch-Bayram, I. F., & Biemann, T. (2024). How Corporate Social (Ir) Responsibility Influences Employees’ Private Prosocial Behavior: An Experimental Study. Journal of Business Ethics.
- Mayrhofer, W., Biemann, T., Koch‐Bayram, I., & Rapp, M. L. (2024). Context is key: A 34‐country analysis investigating how similar HRM systems emerge from similar contexts. Human Resource Management.
- Koch-Bayram, I.F. & Kaibel, C. Algorithms in personnel selection, applicants’ attributions about organizations’ intentions and organizational attractiveness: An experimental study. Human Resource Management Journal, forthcoming.
- Biemann, T., Mayrhofer, W. & Koch-Bayram, I.F. (2023). Embedded in context: How time and distance affect the convergence of personnel selection practices. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1), 47–68.
- Koch-Bayram, I.F., Kaibel, C., & Biemann, T., & Triana M. (2023) : Applicants’ experiences with discrimination explain their reactions to algorithms in personnel selection. International Journal of Selection & Assessment, 31(2), 252–266.
- Gao-Urhahn, X., Lin-Hi, N., Biemann, T. & Koch-Bayram, I.F. (2022). Internal CSR and blue-collar workers’ attitudes and behaviors in China: A combination of a cross-sectional study and a field experiment. Asian Business & Management, 22, 1185–1213.
- Mayrhofer, W., Biemann, T., Koch-Bayram, I.F., & Rapp, M. (2022). Contextual effects on HRM systems and the role of HRM departments. A 34-Countries Analysis. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 11438.
- Zakir, N., & Koch-Bayram, I.F. (2022). How relevant is irrelevant information? The effect of irrelevant information on leadership perception. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 15810.
- Koch-Bayram, I.F. & Biemann, T. (2020) Signs of narcissism? Reconsidering a widely-used measure. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 27(4), 389–405.
- Kaibel, C., Koch-Bayram, I.F., Biemann, T., & Mühlenbock, M. (2019). Applicant perceptions of hiring algorithms – Uniqueness and discrimination experiences as moderators. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1), 18172.
- Koch-Bayram, I.F. & Wernicke, G. (2018). Drilled to obey? Ex-military CEOs and financial misconduct. Strategic Management Journal, 39(11), 2943–2964.
- Kaibel, C., Mühlenbock, M., Koch-Bayram, I. & Biemann, T. (2019). Wahrnehmung von KI – Was denken Mitarbeiter über ihre Anwendung und Fairness? PERSONALquarterly, 71(3), 16–21.
- Nehrlich, A., Koch, I. & Biemann, T. (2017). Narzissmus und Führung. PERSONALquarterly, 69(2), 54–57.
- Koch, I., Biemann, T. & Weckmüller, H. (2014). Ist gute Führung männlich oder weiblich? PERSONALquarterly, 66(3), 46–49.
- Incentives and Performance (MAN 648)
- Leadership and Motivation (MAN 645)
- Research Seminar (MAN 741)