Bild: Sebastian Weindel
- Karriere und Karrierepfade
- Effektivität von HR-Praktiken
- Internationales HR Management
- Methoden der evidenzbasierten Managementforschung
- Führung und Führungserfolg
Publikationen (peer-reviewed)
- Dlouhy, K., Biemann, T. und Baruch, Y. (2024). A career ecosystem perspective on societal and organizational characteristics and careers to the top in higher education. Human Resource Management Journal, 1–16.
- Koch-Bayram, I. und Biemann, T. (2024). How corporate social (ir)responsibility influences employees’ private prosocial behavior: An experimental study. Journal of Business Ethics, 194, 103–118.
- Köhler, D. P., Rausch, A., Biemann, T. und Büchsenschuss, R. (2024). Expertise and specialization in organizations: a social network analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1–17.
- Mayrhofer, W., Biemann, T., Koch-Bayram, I. und Rapp, M. L. (2024). Context is key: A 34-country analysis investigating how similar HRM systems emerge from similar contexts. Human Resource Management, 63, 355–371.
- Biemann, T., Mayrhofer, W. und Koch-Bayram, I. (2023). Embedded in context: How time and distance affect the convergence of personnel selection practices. Human Resource Management Journal, 33, 47–68.
- Koch-Bayram, I., Kaibel, C., Biemann, T. und Triana, M. . C. (2023). : Applicants' experiences with discrimination explain their reactions to algorithms in personnel selection. International Journal of Selection and Assessment : IJSA, 31, 252–266.
- Meier-Barthold, M., Biemann, T. und Alfes, K. (2023). Strong signals in HR management: How the configuration and strength of an HR system explain the variability in HR attributions. Human Resource Management, 62, 229–246.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2021). Psychologische Sicherheit: Erfolgsfaktor für Teamerfolg jenseits der Teamzusammensetzung. Personal Quarterly, 73, 46–49.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2021). Wie ein effektives Performance Management zum Organisationserfolg beitragen kann. Personal Quarterly, 73, 46–49.
- Kaibel, C. und Biemann, T. (2021). Rethinking the gold standard with multi-armed bandits: Machine learning allocation algorithms for experiments. Organizational Research Methods : ORM, 24, 78–103.
- Wieschollek, V., Weckmüller, H. und Biemann, T. (2021). Mitarbeiterempfehlungen und Mitarbeiterempfehlungsprogramme. Personal Quarterly, 73, 58–61.
- Biemann, T., Mühlenbock, M. und Dlouhy, K. (2020). Going the distance in vocational behavior research: Introducing three extensions for optimal matching analysis based on distances between career sequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 119.
- Koch-Bayram, I. und Biemann, T. (2020). How environmental (ir)responsibility of companies affects environmental behavior of employees. In , (S. Article 17538). Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Academy of Management: Briarcliff Manor, NY.
- Koch-Bayram, I. und Biemann, T. (2020). Signs of narcissism? Reconsidering a widely used measure. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies : JLOS, 27, 389–405.
- Korff, J. und Biemann, T. (2020). Adjusting the lookout: Subjective health, loneliness, and life satisfaction predict future time perspective. Psychology and Aging, 35, 1170-1183.
- Biemann, T. und Dlouhy, K. (2019). Pfadabhängigkeit in Karrieren als Erklärung für berufliche Mobilität. Personal Quarterly, 71, 40–45.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2019). Person-Organisation-Fit: Wie wichtig ist die kulturelle Passung bei der Personalauswahl? Personal Quarterly, 71, 48–51.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2019). Transformationale Führung: What’s next? Personal Quarterly, 71, 54–57.
- Kaibel, C., Mühlenbock, M., Koch-Bayram, I. und Biemann, T. (2019). Wahrnehmung von KI – Was denken Mitarbeiter über ihre Anwendung und Fairness? Personal Quarterly, 71, 16–21.
- Korff, J. und Biemann, T. (2019). Vom Best Practice-Ansatz zum gebündelten Einsatz von HR-Praktiken. Personal Quarterly, 71, 8–13.
- Biemann, T., Koch-Bayram, I. und Mayrhofer, W. (2018). Beyond single practices: Convergence, stasis and divergence in personnel selection. IHRM 2018, 15th International Human Resource Management Conference, Madrid, Spain.
- Biemann, T., Koch-Bayram, I. und Mayrhofer, W. (2018). Is personnel selection another case of HRM convergence? An empirical analysis. In , (S. 16395). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Acad.: Chicago, Ill..
- Dlouhy, K. und Biemann, T. (2018). Path dependence in occupational careers: Understanding occupational mobility development throughout individuals' careers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 104, 86–97.
- Gubler, M., Biemann, T. und Herzog, S. (2017). An apple doesn't fall far from the tree – or does it? : occupational inheritance and teachers' career patterns. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 100, 1–14.
- Korff, J., Biemann, T. und Voelpel, S. (2017). Differentiating HR systems' impact : moderating effects of age on the HR system–work outcome association. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB, 38, 415–438.
- Korff, J., Biemann, T. und Voelpel, S. (2017). Human resource management systems and work attitudes: The mediating role of future time perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB, 38, 45–67.
- Mühlenbock, M. und Biemann, T. (2017). Approaching the gender pay gap with sequence based matching. In , (S. 16442). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Atabaki, A. und Biemann, T. (2016). Motivation und Mitarbeiterleistung. Personal Quarterly, 68, 46–49.
- Dlouhy, K. und Biemann, T. (2016). Turnover of individuals with similar career sequences as a predictor of employer change. In , Proceedings of the International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods (LaCOSA II) : Lausanne, June 8–10, 2016 (S. 815–836). Annual meeting proceedings / Academy of Management, Swiss National Center of Competence in Research LIVES: Genève.
- Dlouhy, K. und Biemann, T. (2016). Turnover of individuals with similar career sequences as predictor of employer change. In , (S. 117). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Gao-Urhahn, X., Biemann, T. und Jaros, S. J. (2016). How affective commitment to the organization changes over time : a longitudinal analysis of the reciprocal relationships between affective organizational commitment and income. Journal of Organizational Behavior : OB, 37, 515–536.
- Korff, J. und Biemann, T. (2016). Future time perspective as a moderator for the social exchange-affective commitment relation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
- Andresen, M., Biemann, T. und Pattie, M. W. (2015). What makes them move abroad? Reviewing and exploring differences between self-initiated and assigned expatriation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26, 932–947.
- Biemann, T., Kearney, E. und Marggraf, K. (2015). Empowering leadership and managers' career perceptions : examining effects at both the individual and the team level. The Leadership Quarterly, 26, 775–789.
- Dlouhy, K. und Biemann, T. (2015). Optimal matching analysis in career research: a review and some best-practice recommendations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 90, 163–173.
- Greve, P., Biemann, T. und Ruigrok, W. (2015). Foreign executive appointments: A multilevel examination. Journal of World Business, 50, 674–686.
- Gubler, M., Biemann, T., Tschopp, C. und Grote, G. (2015). How career anchors differentiate managerial career trajectories : a sequence analysis perspective. Journal of Career Development, 42, 412–430.
Publikationen (sonstige)
- Biemann, T. und Staritz, S. (2018). Hype oder Kurswechsel in HR? Nutzen von People Analytics. Personalführung, 51, 15–20.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2018). Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn? Auslandsentsendung erfolgreich gestalten. Personal Quarterly, 70, 50–53.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2018). Mit geteilter Führung zum Teamerfolg. Personal Quarterly, 70, 54–57.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2018). Should I stay or should I go? Faktoren für Mitarbeiterfluktuation. Personal Quarterly, 70, 46–49.
- Büngeler, C. und Biemann, T. (2018). Unemployment and reemployment effects on locus of control and health. In , (S. 14974). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Korff, J. und Biemann, T. (2018). Contextual and interaction effects among social exchange, time perspective, and work outcomes. In , (S. 13159). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Biemann, T. und Brauer, M. (2017). The world as a casino: Bandit models in strategy and organization science research. In , (S. 17051). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Biemann, T., Englmaier, F., Sliwka, D. und Weller, I. (2017). People Analytics – Personaldaten als Erfolgsfaktor. Personal Quarterly, 69, 8–15.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2017). Candidate Experience – Arbeitgeberattraktivität im Bewerbungsprozess. Personal Quarterly, 69, 54–57.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2017). Machen Frauen Unternehmen erfolgreicher? Personal Quarterly, 69, 48–51.
- Kaibel, C. und Biemann, T. (2017). Improving the gold standard in field experiments with multi-armed bandits. In , (S. 16350). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Nehrlich, A. D., Koch-Bayram, I. und Biemann, T. (2017). Narzissmus und Führung. Personal Quarterly, 69, 54–57.
- Atabaki, A., Biemann, T. und Honal, A. (2016). The influence of performance-based group status on individual performance via task attention. In , (S. 15905). Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management, Academy of Management: Chicago, IL.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2016). Mensch gegen Maschine: Wie gut sind Algorithmen im HR? Personal Quarterly, 68, 44–47.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2016). Subjektiver und objektiver Karriereerfolg. Personal Quarterly, 68, 40–43.
- Korff, J. und Biemann, T. (2016). Jungbrunnen HR-Management. Personalmagazin, 12, 36–39.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2015). Effektives Arbeiten, wann und wo man will? : Home-Office-Angebote erhöhen Arbeitszufriedenheit und Arbeitgeberattraktivität, Vertrauensarbeitszeit wirkt zudem produktivitätssteigernd. Personal Quarterly, 67, 46–49.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2015). Ist die Generation Y wirklich anders? Personalmagazin, 17, 41–42.
- Biemann, T. und Weckmüller, H. (2015). New Work: Was bringen Demokratisierung, Partizipation und Selbstbestimmung? Personal Quarterly, 67, 52–55.