Dr. Werner Jackstädt Endowed Chair of Sales & Services Marketing

Prof. Dr. Kraus

Prof. Dr. Florian Kraus

The Dr. Werner Jackstädt Endowed Chair of Sales & Services Marketing focuses on topics such as Sales, Marketing of Solutions (Service/Product-Bundles, Solution Selling), B2B-Marketing, and Consumer Behavior.

In this context we apply the newest methodologies from data science and & machine learning and work with Big Data as well as experiments to investigate behavioral science phenomena with relevance to both academia and practitioners.

In a nutshell: Marketing & Sales meet Behavioral Economics

You can find an overview of the chair’s fields of research below.

On the following sites you can find information with respect to our team members, courses offered by our Chair, research, business collaborations, and job offers


An overview on all courses held by Professor Kraus. You can also get information about writing a thesis at the Chair.


Have a look at our publications, conference items and current research projects.

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