Welcome to the spring semester 2021!

The team of the Endowed Chair of Procurement warmly welcomes all new and previous students to the new semester. We hope everyone had an enjoyable winter break, is in good health, and full of energy for the start of the spring semester. Together with you, we are committed to defying the limitations imposed by COVID-19 and to creating a great digital learning experience. Like in Fall 2020, all courses will be delivered as digital live streams and the recordingswill be made available via the ILIAS learning platform.
Check out our spring semester course offerings or directly come to our kickoff sessions in the bachelor and master program:
- First session of OPM 452 Processes and Strategies of Negotiation: Friday, March-05, 08:30 o'clock(this course is capacity-constrained – central rollment is mandatory and competition for the limited number of spaces may occur)
- First session of OPM 510 Sustainable Operations: Thursday, March-18, 10:15 o'clock
- First session of OPM 692 Strategic Sourcing: Tuesday, March-02, 08:30 o'clock
Also, please save-the-date for our semester highlight:
- Wissenschaftliches Symposium „Supply Management“ on March-08 and March-09: Free for students. More details in the courses.
If you are interested in writing your master thesis with us during this semester, please see the current list of topics via our ILIAS group(registration required).
Last but not least, for those who will write their bachelor thesis with us, our kickoff sessions are:
- For Wi.-Päd.: Thursday, March-11, 08:30 o'clock (online)
- For BWL: Monday, May-03, 08:30 o'clock (online) (topics will be announced on April-23)