Short CV
2022-lfd. | Postdoc, University of Mannheim |
2021 | Dr. rer. pol, Business School, University of Mannheim |
2017 – 2021 | Research Assistant (PhD), University of Mannheim |
2014 – 2017 | Project Coordinator, Kent State University, USA |
2013 – 2014 | Master of Arts in Health Psychology, University of Arizona, USA |
2009 – 2013 | Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Arizona, USA |
- Pieper, M., Fallon, M. and Heinzl, A. (2024). Micro-randomized trials in information systems research: An experimental method for advancing knowledge about our dynamic and digitalized world. Journal of Information Technology : JIT.
- Fallon, M., Riem, M. M. E., Kunst, L. E., Kop, W. J. and Kupper, N. (2021). Multi-modal responses to the Virtual Reality Trier Social Stress Test: A comparison with standard interpersonal and control conditions. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 161, 27–34.
- Spohrer, K., Fallon, M., Höhle, H. and Heinzl, A. (2021). Designing effective mobile health apps: Does combining behavior change techniques really create synergies? Journal of Management Information Systems : JMIS, 38, 517–545.
- Riem, M. M. E., Kunst, L. E., Bekker, M. H. J., Fallon, M. and Kupper, N. (2020). Intranasal oxytocin enhances stress-protective effects of social support in women with negative childhood experiences during a virtual Trier Social Stress Test. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 111, 1–9.
- Pieper, M., Rehse, J.-R. and Fallon, M. (2024). Digitally supported emotion regulation: A conceptualization based on trace data analysis of mHealth use. In , ICIS 2024 Proceedings (S. 1–17). International Conference on Information Systems : ICIS, AIS: Atlanta.
- Fallon, M., Schmidt, K., Aydingül, O. and Heinzl, A. (2021). Feedback messages during goal pursuit: The dynamic impact on mHealth use. In , ICIS 2021 Proceedings (S. 1–17). , Association of Information Systems: .
- Fallon, M., Schmidt-Kraepelin, M., Thiebes, S., Warsinsky, S. L. and Sunyaev, A. (2020). Social comparison in mhealth: The role of similar others and feelings of envy. In , ICIS 2020 : Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (Virtual Conference), Hyderabad, India, December 13–16, 2020 (S. Paper 1655). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.