Prize / Award | Receiver | Work Recognized | Institution | Year |
Best Paper Award | Luis Oberste, Florian Rüffer, Okan Aydingül, Johann Rink, Armin Heinzl | Designing User-Centric Explanations for Medical Imaging With Informed Machine Learning | 18th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) | 2023 |
ICIS Runner Up for Best Completed Research Paper Award | Nele Lueker, Jens Foerderer, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl | Competing With Superstars: Does Exclusive Content Discourage Complementary Innovation? | International Conference on Information Systems | 2022 |
AISD First Award | Ekaterina Jussupow | Augmenting Medical Diagnosis Decisions? An Investigation into Physicians’ Decision-Making Process with Artificial Intelligence | Association for Information Systems (AIS) Chapter Germany | 2022 |
Best Senior Researcher Award | Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl | Anlässlich der Durchführung und Publikation von Spitzenforschung, der Akquise von Forschungsmitteln, der Förderung junger und diverser Talente und des Engagements in der Forschungsgemeinschaft | Universität Mannheim | 2021 |
ISR Best Paper Runner Up Award | Ekaterina Jussupow, Kai Spohrer, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl, Joshua Gawlitza | Augmenting Medical Diagnosis Decisions? An Investigation Into Physicians Decision-Making with Artificial Intelligence | Information Systems Research | 2021 |
ICIS Best Paper Award | Dr. Monica Fallon, Konstantin Schmidt, Dr. Okan Aydingül, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl | Feedback Messages During Goal Pursuit: The Dynamic Impact on mHealth Use | International Conference on Information Systems | 2021 |
ECIS Claudio Ciborra Award | Anna-Maria Seeger, Prof. Dr.Armin Heinzl | Chatbots often Fail! Can Anthropomorphic Design Mitigate Trust Loss In Conversational Agents for Customer Service? | European Conference on Information Systems | 2021 |
ICIS Best Theory Paper | Monica Fallon, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Simon Lukas Warsinsky, Ali Sunyaev | Social Comparison in mHealth: The Role of Similar Others and Feelings of Envy | International Conference on Information Systems | 2020 |
ISR Best Paper Award | Jens Foerderer, Thomas Kude, Sunil Mithas, Armin Heinzl | Does Platform Owner’s Entry Crowd Out Innovation? Evidence from Google Photos | Information Systems Research (ISR) Journal | 2018 |
Master Thesis Prize | Christoph Reisch | Bitcoin Price Formation: Noise or Information – What drives the Bitcoin Price? | Hanns-Voith-Stiftung | 2018 |
Dissertation Award | Dr. Marten Risius | Social Media Management – Advancing Social Media Analytics and Engagement | IHK (Frankfurt Chamber of Commcerce) | 2017 |
Best Conference Paper Award | Dr. Marten Risius | Automatic Detection of Fake News on Social Media Platforms | Pacific Asian Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) | 2017 |
TARGION Award | Dr. Marten Risius | Social Media – Advancing Social Media Analytics and Engagement | INTARGIA | 2017 |
Young Talent Award | Dr. Marten Risius | Social Media Management: Advancing Social Media Analytics and Engagement | VHB (German Academic Association for Business Research) | 2017 |
Dissertation Award | Dr. Kai Spohrer | Collaborative Quality Assurance in Information Systems Development: The Interaction of Software Development Techniques and Team Cognition | Volksbank Weinheim Foundation and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) | 2016 |
Dissertation Award | Dr. Christoph Schmidt | Agile Software Development Teams: The Impact of Agile Development an Team Performance | Klaus O. Fleck Prize | 2015 |
Dissertation Award | Dr. Erik Hemmer | Information Seeking Stopping Behavior in Online Scenarios | Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for Communication Research | 2013 |
Dissertation Award | Dr. Thomas Kude | The Coordination of Inter-Organizational Networks in the Enterprise Software Industry | Klaus O. Fleck prize | 2012 |
Graduation Award | Kai Spohrer | IS Offshoring Success in Differing Economic and Cultural Settings: An Empirical Study on China and India | SEW-Eurodrive Stiftung | 2011 |
Best Paper Award | Benjamin Blau, Tobias Hildenbrand, Martin Fassunge, Matthias Armbruster, Yongchun Xu and Rico Knapper | Incentives and Performance in Large-Scale Lean Software Development – An Agent-Based Simulation Approach | 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE`11) | 2011 |
Dissertation Award | Dr. Jessica Winkler | International Entry Mode Choices of Software Firms: An Analysis of Product-Specific Determinants | Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for Communication Research | 2010 |
Best Paper Award | Verena Majuntke, Gregor Schiele, Kai Spohrer, Marcus Handte, Christian Becker | A coordination framework for pervasive applications in multi-user environments | 6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'10) | 2010 |
Diploma Thesis Prize | Lars Klimpke | Konzeption eines Referenzprozesses zur Einführung und Nutzung von End-to-End Traceability in der Softwareentwicklung | Stiftung für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften | 2009 |
Dissertation Award | Dr. Tobias Hildenbrand | Improving Traceability in Distributed Collaborative Software Development – A Design Science Approach | Karin-Islinger-Stiftung | 2009 |
Best Paper Award | Lars Klimpke, Dr. Tobias Hildenbrand | Towards End-to-End Traceability: Insights and Implications from Five Case Studies | ICSEA – 4th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances | 2009 |
Diploma Thesis Award | Esther Krug | Evaluation von Vorgehensmodellen und Methodiken zur Einführung von Data Warehouse-Systemen. Ein Bewertungs- und Auswahlkonzept mit Fallstudie im industriellen Mittelstand | TDWI – The Data Warehousing Institute | 2008 |
Best Information Systems article in 50 years | Jens Dibbern, Armin Heinzl | Outsourcing der Informationsverarbeitung im Mittelstand: Test eines multitheoretischen Kausalmodells | Journal WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK | 2008 |
Karl-Steinbuch-Stipendium | Tommi Kramer | Wertbasierte Visualisierung von Veränderungen und Sozialen Netzwerken in verteilten Softwareentwicklungsumgebungen | MFG Stiftung | 2008 |
Graduation Award | Erik Hemmer | Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Umsetzung eines Business Intelligence-gestützten Berichtswesens im Mittelstand | SEW-Eurodrive Stiftung | 2008 |
Diploma Thesis Prize | Mei Wu | Collaborative Knowledge Management: An Action Research Study in a Consulting Firm | Karin-Islinger-Stiftung | 2007 |
Diploma Thesis Prize | Thomas Kude | Die Partnernetzwerke der Unternehmenssoftwarebranche aus einer ressourcenorientierten Perspektive: Eine empirische Untersuchung | SEW-EURODRIVE Stiftung | 2007 |
Klaus O. Fleck-Prize | Nina Oertel | Untersuchung des Optimierungspotenzials ausgewählter Referenzprozesse der SAP Business Suite durch ubiquitäre Technologien | IHK Rhein-Neckar | 2006 |
Diploma Thesis Prize | Jens Arndt | An Individual-Level Analysis of the Antecedents of Participation in Voluntary Virtual Communities on the Internet | Stiftung für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften | 2005 |
Diploma Thesis Prize | Michael Geisser | Entwicklung einer entscheidungsgestützten Methode zur kollaborativen, verteilten Anforderungserhebung | SEW-EURODRIVE Stiftung | 2005 |
Dissertation Thesis Prize | Dr. Jens Dibbern | The Sourcing of Application Software Development and Maintenance – Empirical Evidence of Cultural, Industry and Functional Differences | Alcatel SEL Stiftung für Kommunikationsforschung | 2004 |
Best Paper Award | Tobias Grosche, Dr. Franz Rothlauf, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl | A conceptual approach for simultaneous flight schedule construction with genetic algorithms | Second European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Aerospace (Evoflight) | 2001 |
Dissertation Thesis Prize | Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl | Die Ausgliederung der betrieblichen Datenverarbeitung | Gesellschaft für Organisation | 1993 |