Academic Awards

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DESRIST 2023 Best Paper Award

Our paper “Designing User-Centric Explanations for Medical Imaging With Informed Machine Learning“ by Luis Oberste, Florian Rüffer, Okan Aydingül, Johann Rink and Armin Heinzl has been awarded for the DESRIST (Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology) best paper award. The research is part of the Research Campus M²OLIE.

ICIS „Runner Up“ for the overall „Best Completed Research Paper Award“

We are proud to announce that our research paper „Competing With Superstars: Does Exclusive Content Discourage Complementary Innovation?“ has won „Runner Up“ for the overall „Best Completed Research Paper Award“ at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2022.

All Awards

Prize / Award Receiver Work Recognized Institution Year
Best Paper Award Luis Oberste, Florian Rüffer, Okan Aydingül, Johann Rink, Armin Heinzl Designing User-Centric Explanations for Medical Imaging With Informed Machine Learning 18th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST) 2023
ICIS Runner Up for Best Completed Research Paper Award Nele Lueker, Jens Foerderer, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl Competing With Superstars: Does Exclusive Content Discourage Complementary Innovation? International Conference on Information Systems 2022
AISD First Award Ekaterina Jussupow Augmenting Medical Diagnosis Decisions? An Investigation into Physicians’ Decision-Making Process with Artificial Intelligence Association for Information Systems (AIS) Chapter Germany 2022
Best Senior Researcher Award Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl Anlässlich der Durchführung und Publikation von Spitzenforschung, der Akquise von Forschungsmitteln, der Förderung junger und diverser Talente und des Engagements in der Forschungsgemeinschaft Universität Mannheim 2021
ISR Best Paper Runner Up Award Ekaterina Jussupow, Kai Spohrer, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl, Joshua Gawlitza Augmenting Medical Diagnosis Decisions? An Investigation Into Physicians Decision-Making with Artificial Intelligence Information Systems Research 2021
ICIS Best Paper Award (Track “IS in Healthcare”) Dr. Monica Fallon, Konstantin Schmidt, Dr. Okan Aydingül, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl Feedback Messages During Goal Pursuit: The Dynamic Impact on mHealth Use International Conference on Information Systems 2021
ECIS Claudio Ciborra Award Anna-Maria Seeger, Prof. Dr.Armin Heinzl Chatbots often Fail! Can Anthropomorphic Design Mitigate Trust Loss In Conversational Agents for Customer Service? European Conference on Information Systems 2021
ICIS Best Theory Paper Monica Fallon, Manuel Schmidt-Kraepelin, Scott Thiebes, Simon Lukas Warsinsky, Ali Sunyaev Social Comparison in mHealth: The Role of Similar Others and Feelings of Envy International Conference on Information Systems 2020
ISR Best Paper Award Jens Foerderer, Thomas Kude, Sunil Mithas, Armin Heinzl Does Platform Owner’s Entry Crowd Out Innovation? Evidence from Google Photos Information Systems Research (ISR) Journal 2018
Master Thesis Prize Christoph Reisch Bitcoin Price Formation: Noise or Information – What drives the Bitcoin Price? Hanns-Voith-Stiftung 2018
Dissertation Award Dr. Marten Risius Social Media Management – Advancing Social Media Analytics and Engagement IHK (Frankfurt Chamber of Commcerce) 2017
Best Conference Paper Award Dr. Marten Risius Automatic Detection of Fake News on Social Media Platforms Pacific Asian Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2017
TARGION Award Dr. Marten Risius Social Media – Advancing Social Media Analytics and Engagement INTARGIA 2017
Young Talent Award Dr. Marten Risius Social Media Management: Advancing Social Media Analytics and Engagement VHB (German Academic Association for Business Research) 2017
Dissertation Award Dr. Kai Spohrer Collaborative Quality Assurance in Information Systems Development: The Interaction of Software Development Techniques and Team Cognition Volksbank Weinheim Foundation and the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 2016
Dissertation Award Dr. Christoph Schmidt Agile Software Development Teams: The Impact of Agile Development an Team Performance Klaus O. Fleck Prize 2015
Dissertation Award Dr. Erik Hemmer Information Seeking Stopping Behavior in Online Scenarios Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for Communication Research 2013
Dissertation Award Dr. Thomas Kude The Coordination of Inter-Organizational Networks in the Enterprise Software Industry Klaus O. Fleck prize 2012
Graduation Award Kai Spohrer IS Offshoring Success in Differing Economic and Cultural Settings: An Empirical Study on China and India SEW-Eurodrive Stiftung 2011
Best Paper Award Benjamin Blau, Tobias Hildenbrand, Martin Fassunge, Matthias Armbruster, Yongchun Xu and Rico Knapper Incentives and Performance in Large-Scale Lean Software Development – An Agent-Based Simulation Approach 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE`11) 2011
Dissertation Award Dr. Jessica Winkler International Entry Mode Choices of Software Firms: An Analysis of Product-Specific Determinants Alcatel-Lucent Foundation for Communication Research 2010
Best Paper Award Verena Majuntke, Gregor Schiele, Kai Spohrer, Marcus Handte, Christian Becker A coordination framework for pervasive applications in multi-user environments 6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'10) 2010
Diploma Thesis Prize Lars Klimpke Konzeption eines Referenzprozesses zur Einführung und Nutzung von End-to-End Traceability in der Softwareentwicklung Stiftung für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften 2009
Dissertation Award Dr. Tobias Hildenbrand Improving Traceability in Distributed Collaborative Software Development – A Design Science Approach Karin-Islinger-Stiftung 2009
Best Paper Award Lars Klimpke, Dr. Tobias Hildenbrand Towards End-to-End Traceability: Insights and Implications from Five Case Studies ICSEA – 4th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances 2009
Diploma Thesis Award Esther Krug Evaluation von Vorgehensmodellen und Methodiken zur Einführung von Data Warehouse-Systemen. Ein Bewertungs- und Auswahlkonzept mit Fallstudie im industriellen Mittelstand TDWI – The Data Warehousing Institute 2008
Best Information Systems article in 50 years Jens Dibbern, Armin Heinzl Outsourcing der Informationsverarbeitung im Mittelstand: Test eines multitheoretischen Kausalmodells Journal WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 2008
Karl-Steinbuch-Stipendium Tommi Kramer Wertbasierte Visualisierung von Veränderungen und Sozialen Netzwerken in verteilten Softwareentwicklungsumgebungen MFG Stiftung 2008
Graduation Award Erik Hemmer Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells zur Umsetzung eines Business Intelligence-gestützten Berichtswesens im Mittelstand SEW-Eurodrive Stiftung 2008
Diploma Thesis Prize Mei Wu Collaborative Knowledge Management: An Action Research Study in a Consulting Firm Karin-Islinger-Stiftung 2007
Diploma Thesis Prize Thomas Kude Die Partnernetzwerke der Unternehmenssoftwarebranche aus einer ressourcenorientierten Perspektive: Eine empirische Untersuchung SEW-EURODRIVE Stiftung 2007
Klaus O. Fleck-Prize Nina Oertel Untersuchung des Optimierungspotenzials ausgewählter Referenzprozesse der SAP Business Suite durch ubiquitäre Technologien IHK Rhein-Neckar 2006
Diploma Thesis Prize Jens Arndt An Individual-Level Analysis of the Antecedents of Participation in Voluntary Virtual Communities on the Internet Stiftung für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften 2005
Diploma Thesis Prize Michael Geisser Entwicklung einer entscheidungsgestützten Methode zur kollaborativen, verteilten Anforderungserhebung SEW-EURODRIVE Stiftung 2005
Dissertation Thesis Prize Dr. Jens Dibbern The Sourcing of Application Software Development and Maintenance – Empirical Evidence of Cultural, Industry and Functional Differences Alcatel SEL Stiftung für Kommunikationsforschung 2004
Best Paper Award Tobias Grosche, Dr. Franz Rothlauf, Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl A conceptual approach for simultaneous flight schedule construction with genetic algorithms Second European Workshop on Evolutionary Computation in Aerospace (Evoflight) 2001
Dissertation Thesis Prize Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl Die Ausgliederung der betrieblichen Datenverarbeitung Gesellschaft für Organisation 1993