We are happy that you are interested in our research activities. The current research activities of the Chair of General Management and Information Systems focus on the following areas:
The aim of our research is to develop theories and methods for the design of information systems and information infrastructures. New findings result from empirical studies and are subsequently embedded in software supported methods and tools. These are brought together in an ongoing dialogue with research and practice.
Empirical, epistemological research (behavioral paradigm): In following an empirical approach, research problems situated in the areas mentioned above are investigated both in an exploratory and confirmatory way. The aim of this approach is to identify and describe underlying relations of real world phenomena. The focus, here, lies on a comparison and reflection of theoretical assertions with behavioral patterns observed in practice. As methods of data collection, the chair mainly uses written surveys and (multiple) case studies. For data analysis, interpretative methods and structural equation modeling techniques are applied.
Constructive, experimental research (design science): Complementary to the behaviorist-empirical stream of research, the chair also develops solutions based on literature analyses and case studies and in the form of conceptual, methodical as well as tool-based artifacts. The solutions are systematically evaluated and improved in industrial and/
- Pieper, M., Fallon, M. and Heinzl, A. (2024). Micro-randomized trials in information systems research: An experimental method for advancing knowledge about our dynamic and digitalized world. Journal of Information Technology : JIT.
- Rink, J., Szabo, K., Hoyer, C., Saver, J. L., Nour, M., Audebert, H. J., Kunz, W. G., Froelich, M. F., Heinzl, A., Tschalzev, A., Hoffmann, J., Schoenberg, S. O. and Tollens, F. (2024). Mobile stroke units services in Germany: A cost-effectiveness modeling perspective on catchment zones, operating modes, and staffing. European Journal of Neurology, 1–9.
- Rink, J., Tollens, F., Tschalzev, A., Bartelt, C., Heinzl, A., Hoffmann, J., Schoenberg, S. O., Marzina, A., Sandikci, V., Wiegand, C., Hoyer, C. and Szabo, K. (2024). Establishing an MSU service in a medium-sized German urban area — clinical and economic considerations. Frontiers in Neurolgy, 15, 1–9.
- Grebe, M., Franke, M. R. and Heinzl, A. (2023). Artificial intelligence: how leading companies define use cases, scale-up utilization, and realize value. Informatik-Spektrum, 46, 197–209.
- Oberste, L. and Heinzl, A. (2023). User-centric explainability in healthcare: A knowledge-level perspective of informed machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 4, 840–857.
- Jussupow, E., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2022). Identity threats as a reason for resistance to artificial intelligence: Survey study with medical students and professionals. JMIR Formative Research, 6, 1–15.
- Jussupow, E., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2022). Radiologists’ usage of diagnostic AI systems : The role of diagnostic self-efficacy for sensemaking from confirmation and disconfirmation. Business & Information Systems Engineering : BISE, 64, 293–309.
- Förderer, J., Lüker, N. and Heinzl, A. (2021). And the winner is …? The desirable and undesirable effects of platform awards. Information Systems Research : ISR, 32, 1155-1172.
- Jussupow, E., Spohrer, K., Heinzl, A. and Gawlitza, J. (2021). Augmenting medical diagnosis decisions? An investigation into physicians’ decision making process with artificial intelligence. Information Systems Research : ISR, 32, 713–735.
- Mateja, D. and Heinzl, A. (2021). Towards machine learning as an enabler of computational creativity. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2, 460–475.
- Seeger, A.-M., Pfeiffer, J. and Heinzl, A. (2021). Texting with humanlike conversational agents: Designing for anthropomorphism. Journal of the Association for Information Systems : JAIS, 22, 931–967.
- Spohrer, K., Fallon, M., Höhle, H. and Heinzl, A. (2021). Designing effective mobile health apps: Does combining behavior change techniques really create synergies? Journal of Management Information Systems : JMIS, 38, 517–545.
- Förderer, J., Kude, T., Schütz, S. W. and Heinzl, A. (2019). Knowledge boundaries in enterprise software platform development: Antecedents and consequences for platform governance. Information Systems Journal : ISJ, 29, 119–144.
- Kude, T., Mithas, S., Schmidt, C. T. and Heinzl, A. (2019). How pair programming influences team performance: The role of backup behavior, shared mental models, and task novelty. Information Systems Research : ISR, 30, 1145-1163.
Conference Publications
- Oberste, L., Rüffer, F., Aydingül, O., Rink, J. and Heinzl, A. (2023). Designing user-centric explanations for medical imaging with informed machine learning. In , Design Science Research for a New Society: Society 5.0 : 18th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, DESRIST 2023, Pretoria, South Africa, May 31 – June 2, 2023, Proceedings (S. 470–484). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer: Berlin [u.a.].
- Zercher, D., Jussupow, E. and Heinzl, A. (2023). When AI joins the team: A literature review on intragroup processes and their effect on team performance in team-AI collaboration. In , European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2023 : proceedings (S. 1–18). European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) : Research Papers, AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Holtzwart, R., Seeger, A.-M. and Heinzl, A. (2022). Beauty is in the eye of the controller: Designing avatars for the ideal or actual self. In , ICIS 2022 proceedings : digitization for the next generation, December 9–14, Copenhagen, Denmark, Article 10 (S. 1–9). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Kunz, P. C., Jussupow, E., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2022). How the application of machine learning systems changes business processes: A multiple case study. In , Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS): Timișoara, Romania, June 18–24, 2022 (S. 1–11). ECIS Research-in-Progress Papers, AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Oberste, L., Finze, N., Hoffmann, P. and Heinzl, A. (2022). Supporting the billing process in outpatient medical care: Automated medical coding through machine learning. In , Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS): Timișoara, Romania, June 18–24, 2022 (S. 1–18). European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) : Research Papers, AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Röck, T., Hoffmann, P., Spohrer, K., Schimmer, T. and Heinzl, A. (2022). Assessing the impact of empirical process control metrics in agile software development – A framework based on improvement capability. In , Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS): Timișoara, Romania, June 18–24, 2022 (S. 1–15). Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) : Research Papers, AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Fallon, M., Schmidt, K., Aydingül, O. and Heinzl, A. (2021). Feedback messages during goal pursuit: The dynamic impact on mHealth use. In , ICIS 2021 Proceedings (S. 1–17). , Association of Information Systems: .
- Oberste, L., Aydingül, O., Jussupow, E. and Heinzl, A. (2021). When every minute matters : using predictive analytics of intervention durations to support hospital scheduling. In , PACIS 2021 : Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 12th to 14th July 2021, Dubai (S. 1–9). PACIS Proceedings, AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Seeger, A.-M. and Heinzl, A. (2021). Chatbots often fail! Can anthropomorphic design mitigate trust loss in conversational agents for customer service? In , ECIS 2021 : Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth European Conference on Information Systems : a virtual AIS Conference, June 14 – 16, 2021 (S. 1–20). European Conference on Information Systems : ECIS, AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Halckenhäußer, A., Förderer, J. and Heinzl, A. (2020). Platform governance mechanisms: An integrated literature review and research directions. In , Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) : an Online AIS Conference, June 15–17, 2020 (S. Paper 30). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Halckenhäußer, A., Förderer, J. and Heinzl, A. (2020). Wolf in a sheep’s clothing: When do complementors face competition with platform owners? In , ICIS 2020 : Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (Virtual Conference), Hyderabad, India, December 13–16, 2020 (S. Paper 1515). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Hoffmann, P., Mateja, D., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2020). Socio-behavioral elements in data-driven requirements engineering: The case of enterprise cloud software. In , 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2020) : an Online AIS Conference, June 15–17, 2020 (S. 1–16). European Conference on Information Systems : ECIS, AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Jussupow, E., Benbasat, I. and Heinzl, A. (2020). Why are we averse towards Algorithms? A comprehensive literature Review on Algorithm aversion. In , 28th European Conference on Information Systems – Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity in a Digitizing World, ECIS 2020, Marrakech, Morocco, June 15–17, 2020 : Proceedings (S. RP 168). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Kunz, P. C., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2020). The impact of business analytics: A process-level perspective. In , ICIS 2020 : Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (Virtual Conference), Hyderabad, India, December 13–16, 2020 (S. Paper 1401). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Ocón Palma, M. . C., Seeger, A.-M. and Heinzl, A. (2020). Mitigating information overload in e-commerce interactions with conversational agents. In , Information Systems and Neuroscience (S. 221–228). Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer International Publishing: Cham.
- Fallon, M., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2019). Deep structure use of mHealth: A social cognitive theory perspective. In , ECIS 2019 proceedings : Information systems for a sharing society : Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm & Uppsala, Sweden, June 8–14, 2019 (S. Paper 24, 1–11). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Fallon, M., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2019). Wearable devices: A physiological and self-regulatory intervention for increasing attention in the workplace. In , Information systems and neuroscience : NeuroIS Retreat 2018 : Vienna , Austria, June 19 – 21 : abstracts ; part 2 (S. 229–238). Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Springer: Cham.
- Hoffmann, P., Mateja, D., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2019). Bridging the vendor-user gap in enterprise cloud software development through data-driven requirements engineering. In , Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems – Information Systems at the Heart of Innovation Ecosystems : ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 15–18, 2019 (S. Paper 11). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
- Maier, S. B., Jussupow, E. and Heinzl, A. (2019). Good, bad, or both? Measurement of physician's ambivalent attitudes towards AI. In , 27th European Conference on Information Systems – Information Systems for a Sharing Society, ECIS 2019, Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden, June 8–14, 2019 (S. Paper 115). , AISeL: Atlanta, GA.
Book Chapters
- Mateja, D. and Heinzl, A. (2022). Computergestützte Kreativität. In Handbuch Digitalisierung (S. 229–250). München: Vahlen.
- Halckenhäußer, A., Heinzl, A. and Spohrer, K. (2020). Gravitation of SaaS-centric cloud platforms. In The Routledge companion to managing digital outsourcing (S. 245–268). London: Routledge.
- Hoffmann, P., Spohrer, K. and Heinzl, A. (2020). Analyzing usage data in enterprise cloud software: An action design research approach. In Information systems outsourcing : the era of digital transformation (S. 257–274). Cham: Springer.