Our Research

Current Research Activities at a Glance

We are happy that you are interested in our research activities. The current research activities of the Chair of General Management and Information Systems focus on the following areas:

  • Software Platform Ecosystems
  • Cloud Computing
  • Lean and Agile Software Development
  • Digitalization
  • IT Outsourcing and Governance
  • Health Care IT, Mobile Health Apps, AI in Healthcare
  • Human-Computer-Interfaces and Anthropomorphism
  • Open Source Communities
  • Block Chain
  • Technology Use and Adoption
  • Social Identity and User Resistance


The aim of our research is to develop theories and methods for the design of information systems and information infrastructures. New findings result from empirical studies and are subsequently embedded in software supported methods and tools. These are brought together in an ongoing dialogue with research and practice.

People at the table with learning materials
Fields of research
People show things on pinboard


Empirical, epistemological research (behavioral paradigm): In following an empirical approach, research problems situated in the areas mentioned above are investigated both in an exploratory and confirmatory way. The aim of this approach is to identify and describe underlying relations of real world phenomena. The focus, here, lies on a comparison and reflection of theoretical assertions with behavioral patterns observed in practice. As methods of data collection, the chair mainly uses written surveys and (multiple) case studies. For data analysis, interpretative methods and structural equation modeling techniques are applied.

Constructive, experimental research (design science): Complementary to the behaviorist-empirical stream of research, the chair also develops solutions based on literature analyses and case studies and in the form of conceptual, methodical as well as tool-based artifacts. The solutions are systematically evaluated and improved in industrial and/or experimental scenarios. These validated artifacts can subsequently be applied in business practice and be investigated following a behaviorist approach. This ultimately closes the research cycle.



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Prizes and Awards

Here you can find a register of our prizes and awards.