Letters of Recommendation

On this page, you can learn how to request a letter of recommendation. Depending on your current student status, please distinguish between the following two cases:

  • Students of the Business Administration Faculty

    The Dean’s Office of the Business School coordinates all requests for letters of recommendation for students and alumni of the Business School (BWL). If you are a current student or alumni and need a letter of recommendation for a Master’s Program, Scholarship, Exchange Student Program, or Double Degree Program, please fill out an application centrally on the business school website.

  • Non-BWL students and other students seeking a Letter of Recommendation

    If you are not part of the Business School (BWL), but have attended courses at our Chair, or are seeking a letter of recommendation for a PhD program, please send the following information to Tobias Maier. Please note that we must receive your request at least four weeks prior to the application deadline. Your request can only be processed if all necessary documents have been received. Additionally, due to high volumes of request for letters of recommendations, please consider if there is another chair that is better suited to write you a letter of recommendation based on grades in the courses you attended at our chair and the scope of your application.

    Please do not send the information required on points 1–7 as a pdf file, but insert them directly into your e-mail program. Send the e-mail and all required attachments to Tobias Maier. Please note that your request with all necessary documents must be received at least four weeks prior to the application deadline. Thank you for your understanding!

    1. Name Exact name of the university or scholarship for which you would like to apply*
    2. Contact If applicable, contact person and address of the university that will receive the letter of recommendation. If you would like the final letter of recommendation mailed to you, provide your address. Please check specific application requirements*
    3. Study Program Exact name of program or scholarship for which you wish to apply*
    4. Requirements Describe which (formal) prerequisites the letter of recommendation must fulfill and (formal) processes which need to be considered. For example, will a link be send out in case an online form needs to be filled out? Must a scanned letter of recommendation be sent via e-mail or mail to the corresponding institution? Or do you need the document in a sealed envelope personally?
    5. Deadline Application or submission deadline
    6. Motivation Please describe your motivation for the program or scholarship in approx. 200 words
    7. Courses Attended at our Chair Please provide:
    • Courses attended at our chair
    • Grade and ranking of courses attended at our chair
    8. Attachments Send the following attachments as pdf files:
    • Degree certificate and Diploma Supplement (if applicable)
    • Current Transcript of Records
    • Subject ranking (possibly overall ranking)
    • Current CV (curriculum vitae)
Tobias Maier, M.Sc.

Tobias Maier, M.Sc.

Contact person for letters of recommendation

For further information please contact Tobias Maier.