Advances in Marketing Research
Code | MKT 902 |
Semester | Spring |
Type | CDSB Core |
ECTS Credits | 6 |
Assessment | Grading is based on paper presentations and class participation during the course including summaries and critiques (20%), a final exam at the end of the course (30%), and the independent research reports (oral and written) (50%). |
Prerequisites | Fundamentals of Marketing Research |
Language | English |
Contact | Prof. Dr. Florian Kraus |
Instructor | Prof. Dr. Florian Kraus |
Time (plus starting and end date) | tba |
Lectures | tba |
Location | tba |
Exam Date | tba |
Course Objective |
The primary goal of Advances in Marketing Research is to help students prepare to conduct research which is publishable in the leading research journals in their respective disciplines. Hence, the feedback students receive will be consistent with that dispensed by the reviewers and editors of the most prestigious research journals in business (i.e., highly critical). Even when a manuscript is accepted for publication at a leading journal, the authors typically receive mostly negative comments on their work. It is important that students not take criticism of their research personally. To do so would be extremely ego deflating and would interfere with their subsequent performance on other assignments. Moreover, students need to develop the ability to accept and use criticism to be able to survive in the academic publishing world. Advances in Marketing Research is designed to assist doctoral candidates in acquiring a deeper understanding of the research process and a knowledge of the research tools which they will need to design and execute scientific research on behavioral and organizational issues in marketing. An effort is made to help the students develop research judgment as well as research skills so that they will be better able to assess when a proposed piece of research is likely to be fruitful and when it is not. |
Course Description |
We will be building on the knowledge and concepts that you learned in the Fundamentals of Marketing Research' course. Advances in Marketing Research builds on this background by providing additional depth in selected methodological areas (e.g., scale development and experimental design) and by affording students an opportunity to apply some of the methodological tools gained in the Fundamentals course. Moreover, a major focus of Advances in Marketing Research is that of developing students' abilities to make original contributions to the literature in their respective disciplines. As such, Advances in Marketing Research is concerned with the total research process from the generation of research ideas through the publication of the research manuscript. The goals of Advances in Marketing Research will be pursued through: 1) Reading and discussing articles on research techniques from a variety of behavioral disciplines. 2) The critique and redesign of past empirical research studies. 3) The partial design of a study which represents an extension/ 4) The revision and empirical evaluation of an existing unidimensional, multiple-item scale (set of related multiple-item scales) or the development and empirical evaluation of a new multiple-item scale (set of related multiple-item scales). This scaling project is typically a part of the student's IRP, but need not be. |
Assessment Type |
Grading is based on paper presentations and class participation during the course including summaries and critiques (20%), a final exam at the end of the course (30%), and the independent research reports (oral and written) (50%). Paper Presentations and Class Participation: You will repeatedly be asked to make 20–30 minute presentations of assigned papers and to contribute to specific questions in class. Therefore you will have to prepare to lead a discussion on a particular article or topic. Furthermore, it is expected that every student will be prepared to knowledgeably discuss assigned reading materials each class meeting. The class participation grade will be determined in part by contributions to class discussions and prepared presentation performances. Final Exam: There will be a final examination. The exam will be comprehensive, covering all materials assigned and discussed during the course. Independent Research Report (IRP): Each student will prepare and present to the class a 15 – 20 page typewritten, double-spaced IRP. This IRP is the partial design of a study which represents an extension/ |
Literature |
Donald T. Campbell and Julian C. Stanley, Experimental and Quasi-experimental Design for Research, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963. Thomas D. Cook and Donald T. Campbell, Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis Issues for Field Settings, Chicago: Rand McNally, 1979. Selected articles to be distributed prior to each session. |
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