Bachelor Thesis

The Chair of Sales & Services Marketing is offering research-oriented bachelor theses. Focus of this kind of bachelor theses is researching and processing national and international journal articles.

The Guidelines for the Use of AI Tools in the Area Marketing & Sales can be found here.

Exemplary bachelor thesis topics from the last year are:

  • On the Hidden Pleasure of Photography Curation
  • Dissatisfied Customers – Slow Death or Valuable Insights?
  • Product's size-to-status relationship in driving consumer choice
  • Identity Signaling by Assimilation and Divergence – State of the Art in Consumer Behavior
  • A Critical Review on the Decoy and Compromise Effect in the Area of Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing In Mobile Environment

As you can see, these are not related exclusively to the content of the Marketing I course.

The schedule for allocation and compilation of the bachelor thesis has to be taken from the faculty homepage.

Students, which the examination board has allocated to our chair, have the opportunity to submit preferences for a thesis topic.

For submission, please send an email with the following documents to Giuliana Francesca Manganaro, M.A., (

1.    Topic Priority Form

2.    Current transcript of records (with average grade)

The bachelor thesis can be written in English or German. For further questions please contact Giuliana Francesca Manganaro, M.A., ( 

Current bachelor thesis topics for those students enrolled in the BWL-Track can be found here, and topics for WiPäd students can be found here.

Information for BA Thesis:

Topic Priority: 08.04.2024, 12:00 noon

Kick-Off-Meeting: from 15.04.2024, 12:00 noon

Announcement of Topic Allocation: 15.04.2024, 12:00 noon

Official Starting Date: 08.04.2024, 12:00 noon

Official Deadline: 17.06.2024, 12:00 noon