Student News

Here, students can find the latest information on exams, courses, job offers as tutors and assistants, internships and other events of the chair.


Exam Review (Klausureinsicht) on Tuesday, Jan 21st, 2020 from 9am to 12pm
For all exams in HWS2019
ASE Student Edition
For students: ASE Student Edition by andrena
Starte bei asuro! Stellenangebote für Werkstudenten und Absolventen
In dieser Übersicht finden Sie Infos zu aktuellen Positionen bei asuro.
Wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in an der JLU Gießen
Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Digitalisierung, E-Business und Operations Management
Tutoren (m/w/d) für die Veranstaltung „IS 401 – Integrated Information Systems“
Research assistant in the German Business Panel
GBP is a central project of the Collaborative Research Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich) “Accounting for Transparency”.
Guest Lecture: Inside the Microsoft DevOps Lifecycle
Industry Guest Lecture (Design Thinking & Lean Development, Lecture and Applied Project)
Internship in IT-Consulting at Frankfurt Airport
Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide is the owner and operator of one of the largest European commercial airports and the largest German airport group. It offers a wide range of tasks and interesting information technology and business challenges. You can address these in an internship ...
Research Assistant in Research Group Critical Information Infrastructures (CII) at KIT
In the Research Group Critical Information Infrastructures (CII) at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology we are looking for a Research Assistant.
Student Assistant (m/f)
At Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl's Chair of General Management and Information Systems we are looking for a student assistant to join our team for research projects in the discipline of “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine”.