Empirical Methods: Business Analytics I

Code CC 503
Semester Fall and Spring
Type Lecture and Exercise
ECTS Credits 6
Assessment Written exam (90 min)
Language English
Format Lectures & Excercises will take place on campus
Timetable Kick-Off:
Tuesday 11th of February 2025, 12.00 noon, M 003
Tuesdays 12.00 noon – 1.30 pm, M 003
Tuesdays 1.45 pm – 3:15 pm, M 003
Lecturer Smriti Kumar, Ph.D.
Exam Date tba
Contents Theoretical foundations of empirical research. Statistical foundations of empirical research (key summary statistics, important theoretical probability distributions, hypothesis testing methodology, and key test statistics). Introduction to qualitative empirical research. Introduction to experimental empirical research. Introduction to survey-based empirical research. Introduction to empirical research based on secondary data.
Learning Outcomes Participants understand the epistemological possibilities and limitations of empirical research in the domain of business administration. Participants are capable of describing a dataset using appropriate summary statistics and test simple hypotheses about the structure of the data. Participants know the general approach to conducting qualitative studies, experimental studies, survey-based studies, and studies based on secondary data. Participants understand fundamental methods for analyzing causal relations­hips (particularly ANOVA and analysis of regression). They can correctly interpret results from these methods.
Necessary prerequisites Not taken CC 502
Course Outline 1. Introduction: Fundamentals of scientific theory

2. Statistics: Basics and hypothesis testing

3. Fundamentals of experimental research
– Fundamentals
– Collection of experimental data
– Analysis of experimental data (analysis of variance)

4. Fundamentals of survey research
– Fundamentals
– Questionnaire design
– Data collection
– Measurement
– Bivariate regression analysis
– Multivariate regression analysis

5. Fundamentals of secondary data research

6. Fundamentals of qualitative research
Literature Homburg, Ch., Klarmann, M., Vomberg, A. (2021), Handbook of Market Research, (online resource)

Iacobucci, D., Churchill, G.A. (2010), Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations, 10th edition, Mason, Ohio.

Taylor, S. (2007), Business Statistics for Non-Mathematicians, 2nd edition, Houndmills.

Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., Griffin, M. (2010), Business Research Methods, 8th edition, Mason.