
Ausgewählte Publikationen in Peer-Review-Zeitschriften

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Journal of Marketing Research (VHB Ranking A+) “Managing Laggards: The Importance of a Deep Sales Bench (2019, mit Boichuk, Jeffrey P., Raghuram Bommaraju, Michael Ahearne, and Thomas J. Steenburgh), Journal of Marketing Research, 56, 652–665.
Journal of Marketing (VHB Ranking A+) Intrafunctional Competitive Intelligence and Sales Performance: A Social Network Perspective (2013, mit Michael Ahearne, Son Lam and Babak Hayati), Journal of Marketing, 77 (5), 37–56.

„Multiple Identification Foci and Their Co­unter­vailing Effects on Salespeople's Negative Headquarters Stereotypes“ (2012, mit Jan Wieseke, Michael Ahearne and Sven Mikolon), Journal of Marketing, 76 (3), 1–20. Article Winner of the 2013 American Marketing Association Sales SIG Excellence in Research Award.

„The Diffusion of Market Orientation throughout the Organization: A Social Learning Theory Perspective“ (2010, mit Michael Ahearne and Son Lam), Journal of Marketing, 74 (5), 61–79.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (VHB Ranking A) It's a Matter of Congruence: How Interpersonal Identification between Sales Managers and Salespersons Shapes Sales Success (2013, mit Michael Ahearne, Till Haumann and Jan Wieseke), Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41 (6), 625–648. Article
Journal of Retailing (VHB Ranking A) When Sales Managers and Salespeople Disagree in the Appreciation for their Firm: The Phenomenon of Organizational Identification Tension (2015, mit Till Haumann, Michael Ahearne and Jan Wieseke), Journal of Retailing, 91 (3), 486–515.
Strategic Management Journal (VHB Ranking A) Performance Impact of Middle Managers' Adaptive Strategy Implementation: the Role of Social Capital (2014, mit Michael Ahearne and Son Lam), Strategic Management Journal, 35 (1), 68–87.
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (VHB Ranking A) Toward A Contingency Framework of Interpersonal Influence in Organizational Identification Diffusion (2012, mit Michael Ahearne, Son Lam and Jan Wieseke), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118 (2), 168–172.

Journal of Service Research (VHB Ranking A)
On the Role of Empathy in Customer-Employee Interactions (2012, mit Anja Geigenmüller and Jan Wieseke), Journal of Service Research, 15 (3), 71–87.

„How Leaders' Motivation Trans­fers to Customer Service Representatives“ (2011, mit Jan Wieseke, Sascha Alavi and Tino Kessler-Thönes), Journal of Service Research, 14 (2), 214–233.
Review of Managerial Science (VHB Ranking B) Resolving Conflict over Salespeople's Brand Adoption in Franchised Channels of Distribution (2013, mit Jan Wieseke and Thomas Rajab), Review of Managerial Science, 7 (4), 443–473.
Schmalenbach Business Review (VHB Ranking B) Should Firms Encourage Salespeople to Promote House Brands in Customer Interaction? An Empirical Investigation of Financial Outcomes and Customer Response (2012, mit Thomas Rajab and Jan Wieseke), Schmalenbach Business Review, 64, 331–363.
Zeitschrift für betriebs­wirtschaft­liche Forschung (VHB Ranking B) Ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz zur Über­windung von Technologieadoptions­barrieren (2010, mit Jan Wieseke and Thomas Rajab), Zeitschrift für betriebs­wirtschaft­liche Forschung, Jg. 62, 822–859.

„Förderung des Eigenmarkenverkaufs durch Vertriebsmitarbeiter – Eine empirische Analyse informeller Anreizfaktoren“ (2010, mit Jan Wieseke and Thomas Rajab), Zeitschrift für betriebs­wirtschaft­liche Forschung, Jg. 62, 2–29.
Zeitschrift für Betriebs­wirtschaft (VHB Ranking B) Ist Markt­orientierung ansteckend? Der Trans­fer der Markt­orientierung über Hierarchieebenen – Eine empirische Mehrebenen­unter­suchung (2010, mit Michael Lingenfelder and Jan Wieseke), Zeitschrift für Betriebs­wirtschaft, 80 (4), 383–416.

Ausgewählte internationale Konferenzen

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INFORMS Marketing Science Conference Allow or Block: Optimal Strategies against Ad-blockers in Competitive Markets”, (with Gokhan Gecer and Pinar Yildirim) Marketing Science Conference, Rome, 2019.
INFORMS Marketing Science Conference;„Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value Through Strategic Channel Management: How To Incentivize Customers To Use Apps Versus Websites“, (mit Gokhan Gecer und Florian Stahl), Marketing Science Conference, Philadelphia,2018.
American Marketing Association;Gender Identity and Consumer Preference for Gender Labeled Products“, (mit Susanne Ludwig und Stefan Hattula), AMA Winter Marketing Academic Conference, Las Vegas, 2016.
Academy of Consumer Research Gaerth, Maximilian and Haiming Hang (2016). Softness in the Ear: How Musical Sophistication Influences the Interaction Between Music and Expected Haptic Softness, Advances in Consumer Research. 44, S. 445f.
European Marketing Academy Effectiveness of Different Launch Approaches For Incremental Product Innovations, (mit Cornelia Hattula), EMAC Conference, Oslo, 2016.
Academy of Marketing Science Salespeople's Negative Out-group Stereotypes in Sales Organizations, (mit Jan Wieseke, Michael Ahearne und Sven Mikolon), AMS Annual Conference, Coral Gables, 2011.
Marketing Science Institute Boosting Sales Productivity: The Man-on-the-Bench Effect, (mit Michael Ahearne, Carmen Liutec und Thomas Steenburgh), MSI Conference, Washington DC, 2011.
Strategic Account Management Association Understanding Customer Types in Real World Account Management, SAMA's Pan-European Conference, Berlin, 2015.