Exam Review (Klausureinsicht) for all exams in FSS2020

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020, from 8 am to 12 pm

All students who wrote in FSS2020 exams in IS401, IS510, IS512 or IS513 at the Chair of Prof. Heinzl can review the exam on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 from 8am to 12pm (SO 318).

A registration under the following e-mail address is required: Please register via e-mail until Tuesday, August 25. After the registration has ended, we will allocate you a time slot for the exam review and notify you via e-mail.

During the exam review, please maintain the mandatory distance from one another. Also, please be on time for your time slot. Make sure to leave the building right after the exam review. Do not forget to bring a face mask. Without a face mask, you will not be allowed to attend the exam review. For more detailed information, please review the University of Mannheim hygiene policy.

Stay healthy!
