Integrated Information Systems

IS 405 für Bachelor­studierende (Wirtschafts­informatik)


HWS 2023
Verantwortlicher Dozenten Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl (Vorlesung)
Dr. André Halckenhäußer (Übung)
Veranstaltungs­art Vorlesung und Übung
Leistungs­punkte 6 ECTS
Sprache Englisch
Prüfungs­form und -umfang Schriftliche Prüfung (100%)
Prüfungs­termin tba (90 Minuten)
Infos für Studierende Kursplan: Portal²
ILIAS Kursmaterialien: ILIAS

Infos zur Veranstaltung

  • Kurzbeschreibung

    This course outlines fundamentals of business process modeling based on event-driven process chains (EPC) and business process model and notation (BPMN). It demonstrates the capability of business processes to integrate primary and secondary functions in a firm. The main part of the course focuses on the business functions architecture of integrated information systems in industrial companies. In particular, functional interdependencies will be outlined in order to understand how business functions interact when horizontal or vertical business processes are executed. Finally, fundamentals of management support systems, such as data warehouses and business intelligence systems, will be addressed.

    This course is designed for Business Informatics students. It requires a profound level of conceptual systems design and development skills. Exchange students from other disciplines like Business Administration or Management may attend this course if they have already acquired profound knowledge in the domains of information systems and information technology.

    During the course, students will have the opportunity to work with ERP@School, a basic ERP systems which demonstrates the logic and interdependencies between business functions. The use of the system requires basic systems handling knowledge since it has to be conducted in self-learning sessions.

    Aim of Module

    The participants of the lecture will be able to model complex business tasks with the help of well-established modeling methods. Furthermore, the students will be in the position to discuss the potential of the use of integrated information systems in manufacturing companies and to resolve comprehensive process dependencies.

    After attending the lecture and exercises, students will be able to

    • model business processes based on contemporary modeling techniques
    • understand and discuss the requirements, characteristics and effects of integrated information systems in industrial firms, including their functional interdependencies
    • accomplish function-specific tasks in the context of an integrated information system
  • Kursüberblick und -termine

    Dozent Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl


    Datum Uhrzeit Themen Raum
    20.10.2023 10:15 – 13:30 Uhr Einführung,
    Modellierung von Daten und Unter­nehmens­prozessen
    SN 169
    27.10.2023 10:15 – 13:30 Uhr Forschung & Entwicklung,
    Marketing & Vertrieb
    SN 169
    3.11.2023 10:15 – 13:30 Uhr Lager & Beschaffung SN 169
    10.11.2023 10:15 – 13:30 Uhr Produktion SN 169
    17.11.2023 10:15 – 13:30 Uhr Versand,
    Finanz­wesen, Personalwesen & Buchhaltung
    SN 169
    24.11.2023 10:15 – 13:30 Uhr Business Intelligence,
    Wrap Up und Prüfungs-Q&A
    SN 169
  • Übung & Tutorium

    Dozent (Übung) Dr. André Halckenhäußer
    Dozent (Tutorium) Alexandru Plecan


    Datum Uhrzeit Themen Raum
    26.10.2023 17:15 – 18:45 Uhr Nandu´s Foods (India) O 142 Engelhorn Hörsaal
    02.11.2023 17:15 – 18:45 Uhr Cathay Pacific (Hongkong) O 142 Engelhorn Hörsaal
    08.11.2023 13:45 – 15:15 Uhr Siemens (Germany) O 148 MVV Hörsaal
    16.11.2023 17:15 – 18:45 Uhr Nike (USA) O 142 Engelhorn Hörsaal
    23.11.2023 17:15 – 18:45 Uhr Gearbox (China/GER) O 142 Engelhorn Hörsaal


    Datum Uhrzeit Raum
    24.10.2023 17.45 Uhr – 18.45 Uhr O 145
    31.10.2023 17.45 Uhr – 18.45 Uhr O 145
    07.11.2023 17.45 Uhr – 18.45 Uhr O 145
    14.11.2023 17.45 Uhr – 18.45 Uhr O 145
    21.11.2023 17.45 Uhr – 18.45 Uhr O 145
    28.11.2023 17.45 Uhr – 18.45 Uhr O 145
  • Literatur

    • Mertens et al.: Grundzüge der Wirtschafts­informatik, 7th edition, Springer 2001
    • Mertens: Integrierte Informations­verarbeitung, 2 volumes, volume 1, Operative Systeme in der Industrie, 16th edition (older editions can be used as well)
    • Wigand et al.: Introduction to Business Information Systems, Springer 2003
Dr. André Halckenhäußer

Dr. André Halckenhäußer

Ansprech­partner Integrated Information Systems

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