Alexander Rupertus, M.Sc.
Research Associate

E-mail: alexander.rupertus
Phone: +49 621 181 2778
L 5, 1 – room 0.06
68161 Mannheim
Consultation Hours:
Please send an e-mail to make an appointment.
Alexander Rupertus studied Business Administration with a special focus on Marketing and Strategic Management during his Bachelor’s and Master’s studies at the University of Mannheim. Additionally, he spent one semester abroad at the Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada, and a second semester abroad at Bentley University, MA, USA.
In his master thesis “Does Cultural Distance Influence Review Ratings? An Investigation of Subconscious and Cultural Influences on Online Review Ratings”, he investigated how online ratings from customers with different cultural backgrounds differ in various countries, and which additional subconscious influences have an impact on the rating. In addition to his studies, he gained practical experiences in key account management of an international company, as well as in consulting and an agency specialized on design, communication, and brand development. Moreover, he worked as a student research assistant at the chair of Marketing & Innovation of Professor Kuester.
Since September 2021, he is enrolled within the marketing track of the doctoral program of the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) and is mentored by Prof. Dr. Kuester at the Chair of Marketing & Innovation. He is particularly interested in pricing, strategic – and digital marketing.