Master's thesis

The purpose of a master's thesis at the Area Marketing is the science-based examination of a marketing related subject and thereby the enhancement of marketing related knowledge. The supervision of the master's thesis is organized individually by each chair.


The prerequisite for writing a master's thesis at the Area of Marketing is the successful completion of a seminar MKT 7X0 at one of the marketing chairs (LS Homburg MKT 710, LS Stahl MKT 720, LS Kuester MKT 730, LS Kraus MKT 740 or LS Vomberg MKT 750). The prerequisites for attending the seminars are listed according to student cohorts on the respective information pages of the seminars.

We also recommend that students write their Master's thesis at the chair where the seminar paper was written, thus enabling early involvement in the respective research and project work of the chair.

Research-oriented topics

In general, students wishing to write their master's thesis at our chair have the opportunity 1) to submit an own topic proposal as well as 2) to choose from a wide range of interesting topics from different research fields.

Note: There is no central application period at our chair and students can apply at any point in time.

Please find lists of currently available master thesis topics sorted by research area in the following:

  • Customer Experience
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Consumer Behavior in Digital Contexts
  • Marketing of Innovations (PDF)
  • Digital Marketing and Online Communities (PDF)
  • Market Theory and Research Methods (PDF)

In order to apply for one of the posted thesis topics, please contact the relevant supervisor. We look forward to receiving your application!

Own Topic Proposal

At our chair, you also have the possibility to apply with your own topic proposal for your master’s thesis at any time. To do so, please contact the respective supervisor whose research area comes closest to your proposed topic. Information about the research areas of our staff members and their contact details can be found on the profiles of our staff members. For an own topic proposal, some questions should be clarified independently in advance. Therefore, we ask interested students to submit the proposed topic together with a thesis proposal (max. 1 DIN A4 page) to an eligible supervisor. This proposal should discuss the following topics:

  • Relevance of the topic: Is the proposed topic relevant? Why is it relevant? To justify, you should cite, for example, research calls from articles in recent VHB-A+/A/(B) journals, articles in relevant journals that report on the novelty and relevance of your topic, or recent news articles from credible sources (e.g., Handelsblatt, Harvard Business Review, etc.).
  • Related literature: What literature streams do you want to build your topic on? What scholarly literature exists on the topic of your proposed work?
  • Planned research objective and research questions: What do you want to research? What are the specific research questions you want to address based on your overall research objective?
  • Intended research methodology: How will you address your research questions in your paper? What empirical method (e.g., surveys, online experiment, secondary data analysis, expert interviews, etc.) will you use in your work?
  • Expected outcomes and contribution to research and practice: What outcomes do you expect? How will your research contribute to knowledge in the research area of your work? How will your findings improve the work of managers and what should they consider in practice based on your research findings?

Informationen about Scientific Writing

Please find the guidelines for the form and content of scientific papers at the Chair of Marketing & Innovation here, as well as the guidelines for the use of AI-tools in the Area Marketing & Sales. Please use the reference style of the American Marketing Association / Journal of Marketing in all scientific papers and presentations at our Chair.

Alexander Rupertus, M.Sc.

Alexander Rupertus, M.Sc.

Contact person for Master's theses

For further information please contact Alexander Rupertus.