Please find detailed information on writing a scientific paper at our chair here.
Please find the guidelines for the form and content of scientific papers at the Chair of Marketing & Innovation here, as well as the guidelines for the use of AI-tools in the Area Marketing & Sales. Please use the reference style of the American Marketing Association / Journal of Marketing in all scientific papers and presentations at our Chair.
Writing scientific papers at our chair rests on mutual trust. You are obligated to complete these assignments independently and without any help of others. This includes marking all sentences and passages that were adopted from other sources. Not indicating the sources of such sentences, particularly those that are accessible via the internet, will be considered plagiarism.
In case of plagiarism, the chair reserves the right to not assess the entire work or parts of it. By submitting your paper at our chair, you acknowledge these rules and accept that your work may be analyzed by a software in order to identify plagiarism.