OPM/ IS 910 Prof. Dr. Kai R. Larsen – University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Wir freuen uns sehr Prof. Dr. Kai R. Larsen,University of Colorado, Boulder, USA auf Einladung von Herrn Prof. Dr. Armin Heinzl im Rahmen des CDSB-Seminars begrüßen zu dürfen.
Herr Prof. Dr. Kai R. Larsen, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, wird online einen Vortrag zum Thema „VALIDITY IN DESIGN SCIENCE RESEARCH“ halten.
Der Vortrag findet am Donnerstag, den 12.09., von 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr über Zoom statt.
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Researchers must ensure that claims about the knowledge produced by their work are valid. Although there are strong expectations for validity in science, validity in design science research (DSR) is neither well-understood nor consistently established, even though it is an essential part of any evaluation of a DSR artifact. As a result, it is challenging to demonstrate and communicate the validity of knowledge claims. This paper defines validity in DSR and derives a DSR validity framework along with a process model for applying the framework. The framework comprises three high-level claim and validity types—criterion, causal, and context—as well as validity subtypes. The framework guides researchers in integrating validity considerations into DSR projects and contributes to the growing body of research on DSR. It also provides a systematic way to assist the DSR community in articulating and validating the knowledge claims of design science research projects. While focused on design science, the framework is derived from and relevant to all scientific disciplines.
Speaker Bio
Kai R. Larsen is a Professor of Information Systems at the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado, Boulder. He is a courtesy faculty member in the Department of Information Science, and a Research Advisor to the Gallup organization. Kai is most known for providing a practical solution to Edward Thorndike's (1904) Jingle Fallacy and for his contributions to the Semantic Theory of Survey Response (STSR). Kai’s book on Automated Machine Learning was published by Oxford University Press in 2021. He was named one of the 75 leading Academic Data Leaders of 2022 by CDO Magazine and one of the 50 Best Undergraduate Business Professors of 2023 by Poets and Quants. Kai’s online research resources have had millions of visits. He has worked with language models for more than 25 years.