Clemens Müller (2023)
How Finance Shapes Careers of Highly Skilled Individuals
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Assistant Professor
Frank Brückbauer (2022)
Three Essays in Financial Economics
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research
Advanced Researcher
Nele Lüker (2022)
Complementary Innovation in Platform Ecosystems: Three Essays on Platform Governance Mechanisms
University of Mannheim
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dominik Wielgos (2020)
Digitale Transformation und Unternehmenserfolg – Eine branchenübergreifende empirische Untersuchung zu Konzeption, Messung und Wirkung organisationaler Kompetenzen
University of Mannheim
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jens Naber (2019)
Runtime Reconfiguration of Physical and Virtual Pervasive Systems
Mannheim Business School
Mitarbeiter IT & Course Material
Daniela Schmitt (2019)
Essays on the Marketing of Digital Information Goods
The Wharton School
Postdoctoral Researcher
Marcus Welle (2019)
Decision-Making in Innovation Development – An Organizational and an Individual Perspective
University of Mannheim
Postdoctoral researcher
Benedikt Englert (2018)
Personalmanagement in Nonprofit-Organisationen – Zur Rolle des Person-Environment Fit
University of Mannheim
Assistant Professor
Veronica Valli (2018)
Essays on Choice Under Uncertainty and Framing Effects in Marketing
University of Mannheim
Postdoctoral Researcher