FSS2019 IS401 Exam Review (Klausureinsicht) on Wed, May 15th, 2019 from 10am to12pm. Only for students who did not pass.
A registration at the chair's office, room 514 in L15, 1–6 is required (registration by phone is also possible under the number 0621 181 1691).
Due to some confusion about how to register for the
additional early review, please note the following:
- You can also register via phone with our office at +49 (0) 621 181-1691
- We extended the registration deadline so you still have the opportunity to register tomorrow, Thursday May 09 and on Monday, May 13, from 9 am to 12 noon each
As explained in my last message, only students that did not pass the first exam can participate in this review. All students who have passed the exam will have the opportunity to review it in the regular exam review sessions after the end of the spring semester and before the start of the fall semester. The first of these dates will presumably take place in July. I will announce the regular exam review dates via ILIAS once they are definitive.