Master Thesis: Development of a Revenue Model for Innovative Healthcare Environments: Example of M²OLIE

With nearly 8.8 million yearly lethal causalities, cancer can be considered as one of the major causes of death. The treatment of cancer is a long-term process and requires huge personnel and financial investments. Germany alone spends more than 350 million Euro to cover health care expenditures. However, not even half of all German hospitals have been able to generate profits in 2017 even though they are experiencing constantly rising revenues (Roland Berger 2017). This puts pressure not only on the hospitals, but also on the quality of care. Yet, hospitals not only face cost pressures, but also revenue streams are closely linked to reimbursement rates by the German government, making innovative solutions often not profitable (Zimmermann, 2018). Through new emerging technological solutions such as platform eco­systems or artificial intelligence, hospitals obtain new possibilities to generate revenue streams.

The aim of the master thesis is to explore the possibilities of new revenue streams and to develop a business model for innovative healthcare environments in the context of the Mannheim Molecular Intervention Environment (M2OLIE). M²OLIE combines research in medicine, engineering, natural sciences, and business management to improve tumor therapy by means of molecular intervention. The long-term goal is the establishment of an Integrated Practice Unit that achieves treatment of cancer patients in a one-day outpatient scenario – a so called one-stop shop approach. M2OLIE functions as platform for science and industry to participate in a new innovative environment for cancer treatment. M2OLIE is funded by the German Government and currently includes more than 20 different partners from science and industry.

The master thesis offers a unique opportunity not only to work closely in the healthcare environment but also to cooperate with Porsche Consulting, a leading strategy consultancy on process automation and digitalization. The thesis should start with the conceptual phase the latest in May 2019.

If you have experience with or interest in business model development, cost-modelling or finance and you would like to expand your knowledge to the field of information systems we are looking forward to your application. Please describe briefly your motivation (no formal letter needed!) and include your trans­cript of records and your CV into your application and send it to

Zimmermann, P. (2018) Estimating the Profitability of Molecular Intervention Processes Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing, Master Thesis.

Roland Berger (2017) Krankenhausstudie 2017.
